Current Standings
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Brown Choc Mladic
global tv     Georgian F
Red Saints     The Robbers
xashuris i BARVELI

League Forum Sneak Peek
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By tarasito in Axali Menegerebi:
Gaumarjos bichebs aq xart?
By tevzi86 in Axali Menegerebi:
nu winaagmdegobas gagiwev raa :) me ar vicodi wina sezonshi ra unda meqna da valebshi gadavardi tu araa supermasws gasvlaze mouge da mere ro damaminusa valebma
By JIXVA in Axali Menegerebi:
გაიხარე ძმა. ისე წინა სეზონში მეც ეგრე გავაკეთე და მაგიტო წავაგე ფინალი :) მარა ჯერ კიდევ წინაა ფინალი რაიცი იქნებ მომიგო კიდეც ;)
By tevzi86 in Axali Menegerebi:
ara brat vicodi ro wavagebdi msubuqad tamashic mqonda micemuli da sastavis gamtamashebeli mejina skamze nu me mwvrtneli davitrie mteli es chempionati magas vcha
Injury Report
Player Team Injury Salary
Koki Kopaleishvili global tv 2 - 4 $ 5 322
Hrand Sahakyan erdt5 3 - 5 $ 5 233
Ramazan Karakurt xashuris iveria 4 - 7 $ 4 251
Transfer List Report
There are currently no players listed on the transfer market from this league.
Team Stats
BARVELI 242 48.1-94.8 0.507 11.2-24.2 0.466 10.9-21.9 0.498 13.0 44.7 36.8 11.0 7.3 3.2 17.8 118.3 4.6
Brown Chocolate 240 51.3-95.3 0.538 9.8-22.3 0.437 10.8-18.7 0.576 12.5 44.5 41.6 8.2 7.8 5.5 11.9 123.2 5.6
CARDINALS3878E9 242 45.0-92.2 0.488 10.9-24.6 0.444 8.2-19.0 0.434 12.8 44.7 35.4 12.0 4.7 5.1 19.2 109.2 4
erdt5 242 45.9-94.2 0.488 8.9-21.5 0.415 9.8-18.6 0.529 12.1 46.7 35.0 11.4 5.5 5.0 13.9 110.6 5.3
Georgian Freaks 240 46.6-89.6 0.520 8.9-20.7 0.431 11.2-21.4 0.525 10.7 43.2 34.9 10.4 5.4 6.8 11.7 113.3 4.4
global tv 240 47.6-91.3 0.521 8.2-20.9 0.390 13.7-22.7 0.603 11.5 44.4 38.4 10.0 6.0 5.7 15.6 117.0 4.8
kavkaz 244 47.5-91.2 0.521 9.8-21.5 0.453 13.9-22.2 0.628 11.1 43.2 37.5 10.8 4.8 7.0 13.8 118.7 4.4
MERANi 242 45.8-94.3 0.486 8.8-22.6 0.387 12.5-23.2 0.540 11.2 42.0 36.6 8.8 5.7 4.7 18.4 112.9 4.6
Mladic 240 48.2-92.9 0.519 9.5-21.0 0.452 11.9-25.0 0.477 14.0 50.0 36.9 10.1 7.5 7.7 17.4 117.9 5
Qiziki Warriors 242 47.2-93.1 0.507 11.5-24.2 0.476 11.1-22.0 0.504 11.2 41.8 39.2 9.1 4.3 3.8 17.0 116.9 4.4
Red Saints 244 50.9-93.3 0.546 9.9-21.1 0.470 11.3-21.4 0.529 10.6 44.9 40.2 9.9 5.6 6.4 15.6 123.1 5.2
tbillisi red bulls 240 49.5-94.9 0.522 10.2-22.2 0.461 13.1-24.4 0.536 11.2 39.8 40.7 8.0 5.4 4.6 16.5 122.3 4.8
The Robbers 240 48.0-92.8 0.517 11.8-23.8 0.493 11.1-20.0 0.554 11.7 43.0 35.2 11.8 6.8 2.9 19.1 118.8 4.8
UG Vikings 242 46.2-88.6 0.521 9.8-22.4 0.435 10.1-19.6 0.515 8.7 41.8 32.8 13.8 5.5 7.8 18.3 112.2 5.1
xashuris iveria 242 49.2-93.9 0.524 9.5-22.1 0.430 10.2-21.5 0.477 13.9 46.3 37.4 11.6 5.8 6.2 18.7 118.1 4.9
დინამო თბილისი 242 45.2-94.2 0.480 10.0-22.7 0.441 7.7-15.6 0.492 11.4 40.8 35.1 11.5 6.4 3.9 16.2 108.0 4.3
Best Performances
Étienne Galliou
80 Points
Antonio Gravagnoli
35 Rebounds
Adams Janitis
28 Assists
Aaron Josua Waldmannstetter
9 Blocks