Türkiye III.1 All-Stars


All Star Game Homepage - Türkiye III.1

Great 8
Great 8

vs. Big 8
Big 8

Hosted By: edt king of thrace
thrace hall

The All Star Game will begin on 2/12/2025, at 11:00.
Voting Results -- Rosters

Three Point Shot Competition

The Three Point Shot Competition will begin on 2/12/2025, at 10:00.

Competitors Team Start Time
Boyce Alonso edt king of thrace 2/12/2025 10:00:00 AM
Walter Gadowski Flagellum Dei 2/12/2025 10:03:00 AM
Sezer Gündogdu IsıkTeam 2/12/2025 10:06:00 AM
Eray Erhan aSaLet SK 2/12/2025 10:09:00 AM
Nebi Kivançli Flagellum Dei 2/12/2025 10:12:00 AM
Stefano Sensale kabuslakers 2/12/2025 10:15:00 AM