Current Standings
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Live San D Cutthroats
Oronzos     Amici Spor
LionBlack     Sycamores
Francesco Ranchers C

League Forum Sneak Peek
Recent Posts
By Dimi King in Ciao!:
Buona fortuna e impegnati Mi raccomando
By 81and81 in Ciao!:
Qualcuno è vivo ancora in questo gioco oltre me?!?
By 81and81 in Attivazione:
Ah bravo! Proprio come me :-) che però che non ho più mollato di nuovo il gioco. Speriamo di creare una conference con utenti attivi sempre..non ci si riesce ma
By The Hawk 11 in Attivazione:
Ciao a tutti. mi sono appena reinscritto per la seconda volta.. buona giocata
Injury Report
Player Team Injury Salary
Francesco Falla Anìce 2 - 3 $ 6 854
Nicola Laus Agents of Shields 7 - 13 $ 3 451
Transfer List Report
There are currently no players listed on the transfer market from this league.
Team Stats
Agents of Shields 240 44.7-92.8 0.481 10.8-23.2 0.464 9.7-18.0 0.537 9.8 41.2 35.4 10.1 5.8 2.7 18.6 109.8 4.7
Amici Sportivi di... 240 49.0-96.0 0.510 8.7-21.8 0.397 13.8-21.3 0.648 11.5 44.6 36.3 8.2 5.3 4.2 16.7 120.5 5
Anìce 244 45.1-92.2 0.489 10.6-22.8 0.465 11.2-20.8 0.542 11.2 40.9 35.7 11.8 4.8 4.2 14.7 112.0 4.4
CSOA "Free Mumia" 242 46.8-92.0 0.509 10.2-21.1 0.482 11.8-22.1 0.532 10.9 42.3 36.5 10.1 5.4 3.8 17.6 115.6 4.4
Cutthroats 240 51.7-94.8 0.545 10.2-21.6 0.475 11.0-19.9 0.552 12.1 47.8 40.9 9.5 5.7 5.6 14.3 124.6 5.4
Fides Montevarchi 242 48.2-96.6 0.500 10.1-22.2 0.453 13.9-23.7 0.588 15.0 46.9 39.0 8.9 4.9 3.2 17.9 120.5 4.6
Francesco Francia... 240 45.8-92.9 0.492 10.9-21.6 0.506 13.5-24.0 0.562 14.3 46.5 36.5 9.6 4.0 5.9 14.4 115.9 4.5
LionBlack 240 48.9-92.0 0.532 9.2-20.8 0.446 11.7-22.0 0.530 10.7 43.5 39.1 8.2 6.5 4.8 13.2 118.8 5.5
Live San Dorligo ... 242 51.5-97.8 0.526 10.8-24.2 0.443 9.6-18.8 0.511 12.8 47.7 38.0 8.1 4.9 4.7 18.7 123.3 4.8
Olympus Ballerz 248 48.0-94.8 0.507 9.6-22.8 0.421 11.3-23.2 0.487 11.4 44.2 37.7 9.5 4.8 5.2 17.3 116.9 4.3
Oronzos 252 53.8-98.2 0.548 12.0-23.7 0.507 11.4-20.6 0.555 12.5 48.0 39.9 10.2 4.1 4.1 18.8 131.1 5.2
Prosecco Bears 242 48.1-95.3 0.504 9.4-21.2 0.445 11.6-19.5 0.594 12.1 41.8 40.5 8.3 5.3 2.6 14.3 117.2 4
Ranchers Capoliveri 242 49.7-94.0 0.528 11.3-21.5 0.527 10.2-18.8 0.544 11.8 45.0 38.7 9.4 6.3 4.6 14.6 120.9 5.3
rum e pera 240 47.5-94.3 0.504 10.5-23.8 0.442 9.1-19.3 0.470 10.8 46.4 37.0 9.8 4.3 8.3 15.3 114.6 4.3
san paolo 242 48.7-91.9 0.529 8.9-19.8 0.451 9.5-23.9 0.397 12.8 49.1 36.2 11.3 4.8 5.6 14.0 115.8 4.6
Sycamores Farsa 248 52.0-99.2 0.524 9.8-23.1 0.426 15.3-26.6 0.577 12.7 47.9 41.7 7.3 5.5 5.1 19.2 129.2 5.4
Best Performances
Tõnis Tammaru
60 Points
Ariel Szubert
35 Rebounds
Franco Attanasio
28 Assists
Pietro Vichi
10 Blocks