Current Standings
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Nati Stanchi Amatori Me
The Rax     TT-Team 1937
Longobarda     Germans Lauro
atletico b Stockteam

League Forum Sneak Peek
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By Nardoo7 in Stagione 22:
Di vincere!!!!!! muhaumhashmuahmuamuhamuamuha
By depresso in Stagione 22:
certo! ottima idea... cosa pensi di questa stagione?
By Serva in Stagione 22:
Ciao a tutti, proviamo ad aprire un nuovo topic! Non sono mai stato molto attivo ma a dire il vero non sapevo neanche dell' esistenza del forum! Ahah Qui
By ucci in Stagione 20:
sappiate che io all'inizio puntavo a vincerne almeno una, per dimostrare e dimostrarmi che il tempo trascorso su BB non vada perso.....e devo dire che mi riteng
Transfer List Report
There are currently no players listed on the transfer market from this league.
Team Stats
Amatori Messina 248 51.4-95.3 0.539 9.8-22.6 0.432 13.8-25.0 0.553 11.2 45.5 40.2 10.8 6.1 5.5 16.6 126.4 5
Amici del Raffo 246 47.2-92.3 0.512 9.8-22.3 0.440 11.8-22.4 0.524 10.0 40.7 39.0 9.9 6.8 3.2 18.8 116.1 5.1
atletico bulldozer 244 47.2-95.2 0.496 10.0-22.8 0.440 10.5-20.2 0.521 11.6 47.1 37.2 8.2 5.2 5.3 18.2 115.0 5.2
DueSicilie Basket 244 46.1-94.1 0.490 10.4-22.0 0.473 9.5-19.2 0.496 12.7 49.0 33.3 12.6 4.9 8.7 14.4 112.1 4.8
Germans Lauro 248 51.6-95.6 0.540 10.8-21.9 0.494 14.4-23.6 0.611 11.8 46.2 41.5 10.0 5.5 5.7 17.6 128.4 4.8
Hibachi!!! 240 45.1-90.2 0.500 9.8-21.6 0.456 14.9-26.6 0.561 10.1 43.3 37.6 10.0 6.7 4.8 16.1 114.9 5.2
Il divino Johnny 246 45.0-92.8 0.485 9.5-23.8 0.399 12.2-23.2 0.525 13.5 48.8 32.4 13.8 5.1 7.4 17.6 111.7 4.5
Jugoplastika Rici... 246 46.6-91.2 0.511 11.3-22.5 0.504 9.6-21.2 0.453 10.2 43.6 35.1 12.9 4.2 2.5 16.0 114.1 4.9
Longobarda basketB0D 242 49.5-93.8 0.528 8.4-20.7 0.407 12.4-22.2 0.558 11.2 45.0 37.2 10.5 6.3 3.3 15.5 119.8 5.2
Nati Stanchi 244 47.9-94.5 0.507 9.8-19.4 0.506 12.2-24.5 0.500 12.0 43.9 37.6 9.9 6.1 2.7 18.5 117.9 5.3
Palla al pesto 240 38.8-89.9 0.431 10.1-22.8 0.442 8.9-17.3 0.514 11.2 41.4 29.9 12.8 3.8 2.6 16.7 96.5 3.6
Rappers Santa Giu... 242 46.2-93.3 0.495 9.8-19.8 0.498 12.5-21.8 0.575 9.4 41.3 36.8 10.1 5.7 6.2 17.9 114.7 4.9
SalsoCity 244 46.8-94.1 0.497 8.8-20.2 0.436 13.2-22.7 0.581 12.2 45.9 35.8 9.8 6.2 3.9 17.6 115.5 5
Stockteam 244 48.8-92.8 0.525 11.5-22.3 0.515 12.4-23.0 0.540 12.5 45.2 35.2 11.7 6.6 4.8 14.4 121.4 5.2
The Rax 252 49.6-97.9 0.506 10.8-22.0 0.492 12.5-24.0 0.521 11.8 46.8 39.7 9.1 6.8 4.4 15.9 122.5 5
TT-Team 1937 242 50.4-93.7 0.538 9.5-21.0 0.452 12.8-21.2 0.606 12.1 45.0 39.8 10.3 5.0 4.8 15.7 123.2 5.1
Best Performances
Tomas Carbonera
68 Points
Eugenio Polimeni
42 Rebounds
Benedetto Peruch
25 Assists
Rrezag Zhavelli
12 Blocks