Current Standings
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Roughnecks3DF Battalion
Bananari     Nova Virtu
Firenze Ti     Rubble Marco
the king k Fortitudo

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By Zeffiro in nuovo:
e pensare che ho messo partitella con qualche titolare a riposo per concentrarmi su quella di
By Alvas in nuovo:
Oggi (28 Gen.) invece di seguire la mia partita (Plataci Celtics ndr) ho seguito il big match delle prime. Onore al merito.
By zippo in nuovo:
ciao a tutti
By malikjames99 in Ciao:
Injury Report
Player Team Injury Salary
Leonardo Vidoni Firenze Timberwolves 2 - 4 $ 5 938
Transfer List Report
There are currently no players listed on the transfer market from this league.
Team Stats
[Sciag] 240 46.9-92.6 0.507 9.4-21.8 0.431 8.9-21.0 0.425 11.5 44.8 36.3 9.6 3.2 4.3 14.4 112.2 4.6
Bananari 240 47.2-96.1 0.492 10.9-23.8 0.458 11.6-18.2 0.635 12.6 43.8 38.8 8.4 6.6 4.7 17.9 117.0 4.8
Battalion Falera 240 48.6-89.9 0.540 10.3-21.1 0.490 13.4-22.1 0.608 8.8 42.5 36.8 11.7 5.9 4.7 13.7 120.9 5.3
Bomberoni710 242 48.8-91.3 0.535 9.8-21.8 0.448 12.2-20.8 0.584 7.8 39.3 38.9 10.4 5.0 5.9 18.0 119.6 4.5
Dinamo Kukla 246 46.2-98.4 0.469 11.6-24.7 0.470 9.8-18.2 0.534 14.4 46.8 35.0 12.7 5.2 5.0 14.6 113.7 4.5
Firenze Timberwolves 242 47.9-95.8 0.500 9.2-20.5 0.447 13.6-26.9 0.505 12.4 46.7 37.7 8.1 6.2 3.6 20.5 118.6 5.4
Fortitudo Aquila 242 45.7-94.5 0.483 10.7-23.7 0.451 14.1-22.7 0.621 13.1 45.2 38.9 9.4 6.2 4.2 16.8 116.1 5
GHERON 254 48.2-99.9 0.483 9.7-23.6 0.410 13.2-21.9 0.601 13.6 46.1 39.2 9.3 6.0 4.3 17.4 119.3 5
Isobaldo Squirrels 244 48.3-95.3 0.507 11.7-24.2 0.481 11.4-22.2 0.513 13.7 45.6 36.6 11.9 5.9 3.9 19.3 119.8 4.3
Ludus 240 47.5-92.8 0.512 10.1-22.0 0.458 11.6-20.1 0.577 9.8 40.5 36.0 9.7 5.2 3.7 19.1 116.7 4.9
Nova Virtus Ragusa 248 48.3-92.5 0.523 8.9-21.5 0.415 14.3-23.0 0.623 12.1 46.2 32.5 14.4 5.1 4.2 13.2 119.9 4.8
Privateers Codissago 244 46.8-90.9 0.515 8.6-20.0 0.429 12.3-22.0 0.561 10.2 43.7 36.8 12.0 4.9 4.7 13.7 114.6 5.1
Roughnecks3DF 244 49.6-94.8 0.523 9.9-20.1 0.494 12.8-23.9 0.533 12.1 46.8 40.4 9.2 5.5 5.2 17.2 121.8 5
Rubble Marco 240 48.8-94.2 0.519 10.3-20.2 0.510 10.8-21.1 0.514 12.8 48.1 37.2 9.9 5.9 6.5 11.8 118.8 5.3
SBANDATI 242 43.7-91.5 0.477 10.2-22.8 0.447 11.2-19.0 0.588 10.7 42.2 36.3 10.6 5.5 5.2 15.2 108.7 4.5
the king kong k. 240 47.2-92.1 0.512 10.0-23.6 0.424 12.3-22.4 0.550 12.2 44.1 36.6 9.6 5.3 5.8 16.1 116.7 4.7
Best Performances
Barnaba Galardini
90 Points
Clark Moss
37 Rebounds
Igor Dolgov
20 Assists
Marino Agiato
10 Blocks