Current Standings
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Dry Creek Citybay Ti
Melbourne     Kame Warri
Gunning Pr     Aussies Ly
Top Team Perth Prae

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By GM-DireWolf in Join the Aussie community!:
Hey everyone, Just thought i'd start getting the message out there a bit more about the growing aussie community we have going. Some of you will already kno
Transfer List Report
There are currently no players listed on the transfer market from this league.
Team Stats
Aussies Lycans 246 49.1-95.8 0.513 10.8-22.4 0.480 17.2-26.8 0.642 10.7 42.2 38.2 9.2 6.2 3.0 15.9 126.1 5
Brogo Trackers 256 47.8-100.8 0.474 10.7-22.8 0.469 10.6-21.9 0.483 14.5 46.8 36.7 10.8 7.2 5.8 17.3 116.9 5
Citybay Titans 242 49.2-91.9 0.536 10.8-20.6 0.526 15.7-26.8 0.584 10.5 44.8 39.1 8.6 5.8 4.2 16.8 125.0 5.6
Corinda Seven Seas 244 42.8-95.8 0.446 11.8-25.1 0.472 10.9-21.8 0.500 14.8 48.4 31.3 12.2 7.2 2.5 17.9 108.2 5
Dry Creek Kangaroos 248 51.7-98.1 0.527 10.8-21.8 0.498 9.4-20.5 0.459 11.2 45.6 41.2 7.5 6.2 5.4 16.7 123.6 5.3
Guanzheng Goldfish 240 45.8-92.5 0.495 10.6-22.8 0.465 13.8-21.3 0.648 11.6 43.2 35.9 11.1 5.0 3.7 16.0 116.1 5
Gunning Privateers 242 47.3-98.2 0.482 9.5-22.4 0.424 11.2-19.0 0.588 14.5 49.6 36.3 9.0 5.2 8.7 15.9 115.3 5
Hendo33 248 47.2-94.0 0.503 11.7-22.1 0.528 12.8-20.5 0.626 11.2 44.8 35.5 11.6 4.7 6.0 14.5 119.0 4.8
Kame Warriors Bas... 246 47.0-98.6 0.477 9.1-22.1 0.411 8.6-17.7 0.486 13.1 47.1 35.7 9.2 5.9 4.7 16.3 111.7 4.6
Kansas City Whales 250 49.4-96.5 0.512 8.8-19.9 0.444 12.2-22.3 0.545 12.9 47.0 36.2 13.1 5.4 4.2 14.9 119.8 5.3
keilor thunder 242 46.8-95.2 0.491 10.9-22.7 0.482 8.2-18.3 0.450 12.2 44.1 37.2 10.4 7.0 4.6 17.6 112.7 4.3
Melbourne outlaw 244 47.5-92.6 0.513 9.9-23.2 0.427 13.4-21.6 0.622 11.8 44.9 36.1 12.2 5.3 5.0 15.0 118.3 4.8
Perth Praetorians 242 45.9-89.2 0.514 8.9-22.5 0.396 11.3-22.8 0.496 12.5 50.1 35.4 14.8 5.0 5.6 15.1 112.1 5
Serpent Kings 248 46.2-90.8 0.509 10.6-22.0 0.481 12.2-20.7 0.593 10.4 47.1 32.5 13.5 5.6 4.4 21.1 115.3 4.9
Southwest Atlanta... 242 44.8-94.2 0.476 10.4-23.8 0.437 10.0-21.9 0.456 12.1 46.8 34.2 9.5 5.7 6.4 19.4 110.1 4.8
Top Team 252 48.9-99.8 0.490 10.1-23.2 0.434 14.9-23.5 0.635 12.2 50.2 39.0 10.0 5.4 5.8 15.8 122.8 4.5
Best Performances
Michael Joseph
62 Points
Zoltán Turi
32 Rebounds
Liu Kaien
27 Assists
Nenad Bajin
11 Blocks