Current Standings
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Sparks 09 Community
Pasysiai     Bc Santech
Alkocholikai     KK Apuokai
BC "Golden Krekeriai

League Forum Sneak Peek
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Injury Report
Transfer List Report
There are currently no players listed on the transfer market from this league.
Team Stats
Alkocholikai 242 47.9-95.6 0.501 9.9-21.9 0.452 7.8-20.5 0.382 13.0 47.2 39.1 8.0 5.1 3.7 17.5 113.6 4.2
Avizenskije RENGERY 250 50.6-99.9 0.506 11.8-22.9 0.513 12.6-24.0 0.524 13.6 44.7 39.5 9.0 5.2 4.4 20.7 125.5 4.7
BC "GoldenStars" 246 47.7-96.5 0.494 9.9-21.7 0.458 14.2-22.4 0.632 12.1 47.9 37.5 10.2 4.7 7.2 14.8 119.4 4.5
Bc Santechnikai 242 47.1-91.9 0.512 10.0-20.0 0.500 10.6-19.4 0.545 11.7 45.0 36.8 10.5 5.8 3.9 14.2 114.8 4.8
Belzabubas 240 45.8-94.2 0.486 8.5-22.6 0.376 10.8-19.7 0.551 11.7 42.3 35.2 10.3 3.8 4.1 18.9 110.8 4.2
BNets 250 51.5-97.4 0.529 12.2-24.5 0.500 12.2-23.3 0.525 11.7 46.0 41.2 10.0 4.3 3.2 18.7 127.5 5
C4 AlahAkabar C4 244 49.5-96.6 0.513 10.7-23.3 0.457 10.8-18.5 0.586 13.3 45.7 34.9 10.8 5.5 4.2 16.1 120.5 5.4
Community Naujiej... 244 50.3-96.1 0.524 10.3-22.0 0.470 12.8-22.0 0.583 12.2 45.6 40.8 8.4 6.2 5.2 18.2 123.8 5.1
Jades Didvydziu 254 53.9-100.9 0.534 10.2-20.5 0.500 10.8-22.0 0.489 14.2 48.3 40.8 10.3 5.7 6.7 13.4 128.8 5.5
Kaimiečiai 250 49.2-96.8 0.509 12.6-24.7 0.510 14.7-24.5 0.599 11.2 43.1 36.2 11.9 5.7 4.2 18.2 125.8 5
KK Apuokai 246 49.6-94.2 0.527 9.2-19.0 0.487 9.8-20.7 0.476 12.5 46.3 38.0 11.6 5.5 3.0 13.3 118.2 5.3
Krekeriai 256 51.3-100.3 0.512 9.9-21.8 0.456 12.6-23.8 0.528 12.7 48.7 39.8 9.8 5.8 3.2 17.7 125.2 5.2
Kutden 248 47.2-95.2 0.496 12.6-25.3 0.497 10.6-17.6 0.602 11.2 44.9 34.6 12.2 4.0 6.0 21.1 117.7 4.6
Pasysiai 248 46.9-93.4 0.502 11.3-24.4 0.464 12.0-22.3 0.537 10.3 44.0 37.3 11.0 6.2 7.2 16.3 117.2 4.5
Reborn Team759 246 47.8-96.3 0.496 8.8-22.2 0.398 11.6-22.8 0.507 12.2 44.0 39.0 8.1 4.8 6.8 12.7 115.9 4.5
Sparks 09 246 50.3-98.8 0.509 11.0-21.3 0.516 13.1-22.2 0.590 13.4 45.1 38.8 6.8 5.2 4.7 14.1 124.8 5.1
Best Performances
Visvaldis Bertavicius
58 Points
Augenis Dabrukas
38 Rebounds
Visvaldas Trakomaitis
23 Assists
Raimis Kniulis
9 Blocks