Current Standings
Saturday, July 27, 2024
BC Piglets Heywood Bi
Jerries     Gators
ValleyBoyz     BamWagon City
Pornos Pyt JMars Tigers

League Forum Sneak Peek
Recent Posts
By Boggie in Season 64 (March '24):
It's gonna be a very close one I reckon...excited to see how it plays out!
By James Jones in Season 64 (March '24):
And the matchup we've all been waiting for...
By Deano25 in Season 64 (March '24):
Harsh on the hounds winning two more games than the fifth placed side on the other side of the draw and STILL copping an automatic relegation. Should bounce bac
By Boggie in Season 64 (March '24):
Haha, so much for a tank season for you ;) B) made the playoffs again! Congratulations!! I just personally hope not to choke come the important part of the
Injury Report
Player Team Injury Salary
Dorian Singer Boca Juniors 2 - 4 $ 94 330
Stefano Pironti BamWagon City 3 - 5 $ 5 473
Transfer List Report
Player Team Price Salary
Walter Binda Kangaroo Jack $ 225 000 $ 93 341
Minimum 7 games played
League Leaders - Average Rebounds Per Game
Team Stats
Adelaide Airborne... 240 35.0-88.2 0.397 8.8-25.1 0.349 11.8-16.4 0.721 9.0 43.2 21.3 9.6 6.2 2.5 18.3 90.6 10.7
BamWagon City 240 39.6-90.0 0.440 6.8-20.3 0.336 16.1-21.1 0.763 12.8 51.0 25.2 9.3 6.7 4.1 15.7 102.1 12.3
BC Piglets 241 44.8-89.6 0.500 9.2-20.0 0.458 13.6-17.8 0.765 8.3 47.9 27.8 10.4 7.7 4.3 13.3 112.2 11.2
Boca Juniors 240 38.2-93.4 0.409 9.7-25.2 0.384 14.7-18.4 0.796 13.4 49.2 22.9 11.8 4.9 3.4 15.8 100.8 11
Echidnas 240 42.0-97.4 0.431 10.6-29.8 0.355 12.0-16.8 0.713 12.1 45.8 28.4 8.8 7.8 6.0 13.7 106.6 11.5
Gators 242 42.7-94.2 0.453 9.3-24.2 0.385 14.4-16.8 0.856 11.2 50.9 25.2 10.2 6.8 7.5 17.8 109.1 11.8
Heywood Big Dogs 240 43.4-89.1 0.487 5.1-14.1 0.361 15.5-21.5 0.721 12.6 51.8 29.8 10.4 6.4 8.4 15.3 107.4 9.5
Jerries 242 42.6-91.7 0.465 11.9-28.3 0.421 17.9-22.6 0.793 10.5 46.2 24.6 10.7 6.1 5.3 14.5 115.0 10.5
JMars Tigers 240 37.9-91.4 0.415 6.8-20.3 0.336 16.6-21.4 0.774 13.8 52.1 24.0 9.6 5.3 3.8 16.6 99.2 12.1
Kangaroo Jack 238 31.8-91.3 0.349 7.2-24.2 0.300 14.6-19.5 0.748 13.3 48.2 18.1 16.8 5.0 2.8 15.8 85.6 9.2
Pornos Pythons 240 44.8-108.4 0.414 9.4-25.2 0.373 19.0-23.2 0.817 15.5 50.7 27.3 14.2 17.4 8.3 13.1 118.1 12
Richmond Tigers 242 38.7-91.9 0.421 6.6-21.3 0.309 14.1-18.6 0.758 15.2 57.6 21.9 14.8 5.8 9.8 14.0 98.0 11.8
Ryde Wallumais 240 35.7-87.8 0.406 5.7-19.5 0.291 14.6-18.9 0.771 10.1 43.2 19.2 12.8 4.9 4.8 15.8 91.6 9.2
The Constipated M... 240 38.8-96.2 0.403 8.6-25.2 0.341 13.0-16.9 0.768 12.2 45.6 21.5 15.4 7.2 3.1 14.3 99.1 10.6
ValleyBoyz 240 41.2-93.2 0.442 10.5-24.2 0.434 13.9-16.2 0.861 9.8 48.8 25.5 12.5 8.8 5.1 15.8 106.9 10.9
Willows Wannabes 240 38.0-94.0 0.404 8.3-21.6 0.386 15.5-19.0 0.816 11.0 45.1 22.7 12.3 6.2 2.1 16.7 99.8 9.7
Best Performances
András Ligeti
74 Points
Creto Agulleiro
42 Rebounds
Bekir Güdek
26 Assists
Januário Bessa
11 Blocks