Number of Divisions: 0

Active Teams: 15

Users Online: 0

Complete league list


Points per game: 48.9 by Charles MacGillonie
Rebounds per game: 16.5 by Valerii Racovita
Assists per game: 11.9 by Vitalie Alexa
Blocks per game: 3.7 by Nader Skak

Best Performances:

Points: 86 by Natan Vasko
Rebounds: 43 by  Alexei Carpoutoglou
Assists: 33 by Ghita Clichici
Blocks: 12 by Bruno Iaccarino

National Forum Sneak Peek:

National Team:

Team Page
Election Central


Manager Rating:


Junior National Team:

Team Page
Election Central

Manager:Coach Sergio

Manager Rating:

Top League Wins per Season
# Team WPS Season
1 Patanii 17.9 10
2 Onkology_Team 17.39 18
3 Moldova Rockets 17.1 10
4 Hirtopu 17.1 21
5 Spartak Hirova 17.05 20
6 -=Defenders=- 16.28 29
7 Celtic Guardians 15.63 8
8 Marline 14.86 7
9 Damir Tigers 14.17 12
10 BC PASIK3 13.88 8
11 Misterious 13.59 34
12 Hopers 13.5 10
13 Crisaliotii&Smertnicii 13.23 31
14 BCLakersMD 12.4 15
15 Sffolashi din Popauti 11.89 9
16 BasaraBulls 11.45 20
17 BK Balahiro 11.38 16
18 Codru 11.17 6
19 Thunder-OKC 10.4 5
20 10.27 11
21 GreyMiki 10.17 6
22 П.С.К. 8.8 10
23 BC "Fireball" 8.77 13
24 Король 8.2 5
25 BC Gindacii 7.31 13
26 CRV Jeepers 7.28 18
27 БК Зенит 6.38 8
28 The good boys 6.25 8
29 Czech Republic 6.2 5
30 COMPAQ Sports 6.2 5
31 Bendery Wolf 6.13 8
32 FB URBANISM 5.86 7
33 Orlando Magic Magestral 5 6

*Note: Minimum 5 seasons played.
Team Rank per Season Started
Team Country Rank World Rank
Season 27
BC "Fireball" 70 13233
Season 49
Ucigasii 40 6953
Season 51
CrvJeep 81 14938
Season 55
Dacia Chisinau BC 26 3675
Barcelona Chisinau 30 4760
Season 61
Olimpique Balti 42 8148
Asociatia Firenze-Chisinau 55 11850
Ciocan Lakers 60 12441
Season 62
Tiraspol State University 41 7992
Season 63
Devstry 24 3484
Season 64
Petrocub-Moldova 67 13030
Orhei 69ers 75 13794
Season 66
Botanical Power 58 12243
Season 67
The Otters 76 14152
Cleveland Sparta 77 14261

Titles per Team
# Team
1 -=Defenders=-, won B3 1 time, won MBA 12 times, was runner up in MBA 2 times, won Moldova Cup 10 times, was runner up in Moldova Cup 2 times.
2 Spartak Hirova, won MBA 7 times, was runner up in MBA 4 times, won Moldova Cup 8 times, was runner up in Moldova Cup 1 time.
3 Onkology_Team, won MBA 3 times, was runner up in MBA 1 time, won Moldova Cup 2 times, was runner up in Moldova Cup 1 time.
4 BasaraBulls, won MBA 3 times, won Moldova Cup 3 times, was runner up in Moldova Cup 5 times.
5 Misterious, won MBA 2 times, was runner up in MBA 4 times, won Moldova Cup 2 times, was runner up in Moldova Cup 7 times.
6 Patanii, won MBA 1 time, was runner up in MBA 6 times, won Moldova Cup 2 times.
7 Moldova Rockets, won MBA 1 time, was runner up in MBA 4 times, won Moldova Cup 1 time, was runner up in Moldova Cup 1 time.
8 Crisaliotii&Smertnicii, won MBA 1 time, was runner up in MBA 1 time, won Moldova Cup 2 times, was runner up in Moldova Cup 2 times.
9 Marline, won MBA 1 time, was runner up in MBA 1 time, was runner up in Moldova Cup 2 times.
10 Codru, won MBA 1 time, was runner up in MBA 1 time, was runner up in Moldova Cup 1 time.
11 Damir Tigers, won MBA 1 time, won Moldova Cup 2 times, was runner up in Moldova Cup 3 times.
12 Celtic Guardians, won MBA 1 time, won Moldova Cup 1 time, was runner up in Moldova Cup 2 times.
13 CRV Jeepers, won MBA 1 time.
14 Hirtopu, was runner up in MBA 5 times, was runner up in Moldova Cup 2 times.
15 B.C.Bulls, was runner up in MBA 2 times.
16 KoDuRo TeAm, was runner up in MBA 1 time, was runner up in Moldova Cup 1 time.
17 BK Balahiro, was runner up in MBA 1 time.
18, was runner up in MBA 1 time.
19 BC PASIK3, was runner up in MBA 1 time.
20 Vedetele Rachetele, won Moldova Cup 1 time.
21 Mauty, won Moldova Cup 1 time.
22 BCLakersMD, was runner up in Moldova Cup 1 time.
23 Король, was runner up in Moldova Cup 1 time.
24 _Wannabes_, was runner up in Moldova Cup 1 time.
25 Bendery Wolf, was runner up in Moldova Cup 1 time.
26 Blackbirds Donici, was runner up in Moldova Cup 1 time.

Top League and Tournament History
Top League Winners
Season Champion Runner-Up
40 BasaraBulls Hirtopu
39 Moldova Rockets Onkology_Team
38 Onkology_Team Moldova Rockets
37 BasaraBulls Moldova Rockets
36 BasaraBulls Hirtopu
35 Onkology_Team Moldova Rockets
34 Onkology_Team Moldova Rockets
33 Crisaliotii&Smertnicii Hirtopu
32 Spartak Hirova Hirtopu
31 Spartak Hirova Hirtopu
30 Spartak Hirova BC PASIK3
29 Spartak Hirova Misterious
28 Spartak Hirova Misterious
27 Misterious Spartak Hirova
26 Spartak Hirova Misterious
25 Misterious Spartak Hirova
24 Spartak Hirova Misterious
23 Codru Spartak Hirova
22 -=Defenders=- Codru
21 -=Defenders=- BK Balahiro
20 -=Defenders=- KoDuRo TeAm
19 -=Defenders=-
18 Damir Tigers Crisaliotii&Smertnicii
17 CRV Jeepers Spartak Hirova
16 -=Defenders=- Patanii
15 -=Defenders=- Patanii
14 Celtic Guardians Patanii
13 -=Defenders=- Patanii
12 -=Defenders=- Patanii
11 -=Defenders=- Marline
10 Marline -=Defenders=-
9 -=Defenders=- Patanii
8 Patanii -=Defenders=-
7 -=Defenders=- B.C.Bulls
6 -=Defenders=- B.C.Bulls
Cup Winners
Season Champion Runner-Up
40 BasaraBulls Onkology_Team
39 BasaraBulls BCLakersMD
38 Onkology_Team Misterious
37 BasaraBulls Crisaliotii&Smertnicii
36 Moldova Rockets BasaraBulls
35 Onkology_Team Hirtopu
34 Crisaliotii&Smertnicii Misterious
33 Spartak Hirova BasaraBulls
32 Spartak Hirova Moldova Rockets
31 Spartak Hirova Hirtopu
30 Spartak Hirova Misterious
29 Spartak Hirova Bendery Wolf
28 Spartak Hirova Misterious
27 Spartak Hirova Crisaliotii&Smertnicii
26 Misterious Spartak Hirova
25 Misterious BasaraBulls
24 Spartak Hirova Misterious
23 Crisaliotii&Smertnicii BasaraBulls
22 -=Defenders=- Codru
21 -=Defenders=- Misterious
20 -=Defenders=- BasaraBulls
19 -=Defenders=- Damir Tigers
18 -=Defenders=- Damir Tigers
17 Damir Tigers KoDuRo TeAm
16 Celtic Guardians -=Defenders=-
15 Damir Tigers Celtic Guardians
14 -=Defenders=- Damir Tigers
13 -=Defenders=- Король
12 -=Defenders=- Celtic Guardians
11 Vedetele Rachetele Marline
10 Patanii -=Defenders=-
9 -=Defenders=- Misterious
8 -=Defenders=- _Wannabes_
7 Patanii Marline
6 Mauty Blackbirds Donici
Country and World Rankings
Country World Team
1 3484 Devstry
2 3675 Dacia Chisinau BC
3 4760 Barcelona Chisinau
4 6953 Ucigasii
5 7992 Tiraspol State University
6 8148 Olimpique Balti
7 11850 Asociatia Firenze-Chisinau
8 12243 Botanical Power
9 12441 Ciocan Lakers
10 13030 Petrocub-Moldova
B3 Participation History
In season 40, Moldova Rockets played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 39, K.B.Kosova played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 38, K.B.Kosova played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 37, K.B.Kosova played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 37, Moldova Rockets played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 36, K.B.Kosova played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 35, PIRES 75 B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 35, Crisaliotii&Smertnicii played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 34, PIRES 75 B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 34, Crisaliotii&Smertnicii played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 34, Spartak Hirova played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 33, PIRES 75 B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 33, Spartak Hirova played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 33, Hermannssynir played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 33, -=Defenders=- played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 32, Hermannssynir played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 32, Spartak Hirova played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 32, -=Defenders=- played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 31, Hermannssynir played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 31, Spartak Hirova played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 31, -=Defenders=- played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 30, Spartak Hirova played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 30, PIRES 75 B.C. played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 30, -=Defenders=- played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 29, Spartak Hirova played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 29, -=Defenders=- played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 28, Misterious played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 28, Hermannssynir played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 28, Spartak Hirova played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 28, -=Defenders=- played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 27, Misterious played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 27, Spartak Hirova played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 27, -=Defenders=- played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 26, Misterious played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 26, -=Defenders=- played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 25, Spartak Hirova played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 25, -=Defenders=- played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 24, Crisaliotii&Smertnicii played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 24, -=Defenders=- played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 24, Bendery Wolf played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 23, -=Defenders=- played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 22, -=Defenders=- were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 21, -=Defenders=- reached the semifinals of the B3
In season 20, -=Defenders=- won the B3
In season 19, Damir Tigers played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 19, -=Defenders=- played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 18, Damir Tigers played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 18, CRV Jeepers played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 17, -=Defenders=- played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 17, Celtic Guardians played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 16, -=Defenders=- reached the quarterfinals of the B3
In season 16, Damir Tigers played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 15, -=Defenders=- played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 15, Celtic Guardians played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 14, -=Defenders=- were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 13, -=Defenders=- were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 12, Vedetele Rachetele were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 12, -=Defenders=- were one of the final 256 teams in the B3
In season 11, Patanii were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 11, Marline were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 10, -=Defenders=- were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 9, -=Defenders=- were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 9, Patanii were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 8, -=Defenders=- were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 8, Patanii were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 7, -=Defenders=- were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 7, BK Gray Wolves were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
