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BB Bulgaria > U21 National Team Debate Thread

U21 National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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From: Garich
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304613.4 in reply to 304613.3
Date: 06/05/2020 09:51:03
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If you have any question i m willing to answer it..and have a nice conversation about Nt and not only subjects

1. If you are elected for NT of Bulgaria U-21, will you learn Bulgarian language or we will have to communicate in English?
2. What do you think is the most important aspect for any U-21 team to be successful - scouting, tactics or something else?
3. What kind of player will you put as Small Forward?

Ален Ожболт
Здравейте. За тези, които не ме познават - Казвам се Георги Георгиев, на 26 години, от град Пловдив и се занимавам с право. Син съм на Венко от играта. Играл съм и преди със стария ми отбор, а този ми е нов. Всеки може да види и да прецени за себе си каква работа е свършена за едва 6 сезона. Отправям тази кандидатура с надеждата за прогрес. Смятам, че имаме перспективни момчета и съм убеден, че заедно можем да надградим дори над иначе много добрата работа на Балъка ! Приоритет за мен ще е да създадем боеспособен отбор от мултискилове, като тези момчета, които са с нужния потенциал, ще бъдат подготвяни според нуждите на мъжкия отбор. Надявам се това да е стъпка напред, която да направим заедно. Поздрави и благодаря на всеки, който ми е гласувал доверие. Готов съм да отговарям на евентуални въпроси.

Здравейте момци.Пуснах си кандидатурата за националния отбор.Смятам че за 11 години в играта(от 17.4.2009 г.) имам някакви качества и опит.Пожелавам хубав ден на всички.

Въпросите са и към двамата:

1. Кой според теб е най-важният аспект на който и да е младежки национален отбор за да бъде успешен - скаутите, тактиката или нещо друго?
2. Какъв тип играч би пуснал като Леко Крило?

This Post:
304613.5 in reply to 304613.4
Date: 06/05/2020 12:17:25
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Всичко е важно.Няма най важно.А като леко крило ще пусна играч в зависимост от противника.Ако атакува отвън ще играе Леко Крило с повече Външна Защита.-Примерно

This Post:
304613.7 in reply to 304613.4
Date: 06/05/2020 13:32:51
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1)Obviously this a disadvantage for me but I don't t think its such a big deal.For solving this I m planning to find people from the community not only to raise interest for the national team in general, but also helping in this communicate "problem".National team is not one persons work but more than this.Obviously I will also have a major part in the communicate part in order to convince the users train youth.

2)Success depends on the aspect you see a subject.Obviously yes winning European championship is THE SUCCESS.But lets be realistic it would be so so so, so tough.For me training is what I believe is the most mportant part in U21 teams, and I can explain why:

By training:
1)Firts of the most obvious a use strengthen his squad, in order to be more competitive and gaining league wins an why not division championship.(+the salary increases only in the beginning of every season while In the end of it the player might deserved a lot more.

2)By selling them after they train them teams earn money, twice if the just sold a single good player.

3)Keeping an international player in your squad improves your benefits from merchanised.

So obviously this is a win win situation for both users an also for the national team,looking in the future of it in order to be more competitive in the next years an competition."Building the future" is the moto I like to say.

3)As for the SF I strongly believe he is the most crucial part of a team, so he can support an inside o outside defense or offense in order not to be predictable in our tactics.I pay a lo of attention in the firat years of SF in the secondary skills in order to keep salary low and created bi prospects for the future.

I hope I gave you son answers in consideration, but I like yo have mor conversation and solve more questions o your community

This Post:
304613.9 in reply to 304613.4
Date: 06/05/2020 14:40:56
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Здравей. Първо, благодаря за въпросите.
1. Аз винаги съм залагал на тактика.
2. Според противника бих сложил различно СФ. Ако смятам да играя външна тактика, ще го играя със СФ, което има повече скилове като гард. Ако играя вътрешна, съответно бих пуснал сф, което има близка стрелба. Със сигурност обаче сф-то трябва да има и от двете защити, като за мен външната трябва да е по-висока, също и висок отскок. С това не правя компромис. Надявам се да съм бил изчерпателен.

This Post:
304613.10 in reply to 304613.9
Date: 06/05/2020 14:50:18
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Аз не смятам да Ви обещавам като политик на балотаж някакви европейски титли, но единственото, което мога да обещая е, че ще се стремя да надградим и всеки ще се съобразява, когато играе срещу България .

This Post:
304613.11 in reply to 304613.8
Date: 06/05/2020 14:55:42
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1)Well obviously by strengthen I don't mean from the first season, it s a more than one season proccedure the training part.Moreover you can be competitive and also have a training programm for a player, it doesnt cost anything to give him 48 minutes in a friendly game per week, I guess!Especially for the lower divisions this!

2) Again speaking on a long term.This is a proccedure of seasons not on single season.Training doesn't t stop at 21, though it s reallity that after 21 players skills don't grow lets say with that same pace.

3)Salary is always a part of mindset of every user lets be clear on that.In my mind on of the most important things is to conveince users train players.And they always do think how to safe money or having profits an losses.

Indeed it feels like a century ago, but I was also in season 24-25 is this a decade ago let say?😝.Well I just said I bring the experiance of a national team management,not that I m the best guy, but I have the will, experiance and time to work on this project.

This Post:
304613.13 in reply to 304613.12
Date: 06/05/2020 15:47:08
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Propably once again you didn t understand what i said.

Training,in a friendly game it s not my advice,as you inderstood,it's the worst case scenario,that man can train a player without lets say risking a loss in weeks league game.If you re asking me you should give quaranteed 48+ minutes per week no matter what game,and even putting your player ''out of his position''.

I will say it again it's not one season work the part of training.Training programm bust be at least till the age of 24-25.But that doesnt n mean no changes can be made in the training plan due to the proecces of every player.

I dont know how you understand that i said something about salary and SF.Propably i didnt make my self clear.It s too diferrent subjects..I was speaking for salary in general for every possible trainee,that managers always have the thought of how can they afford a players salary.

As for the SF i said it for example.Either for me is one of the most important roles,that must have the abillity to support also perimeter/insider tactics.
