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USA - IV.13 > Season 36

Season 36

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281658.2 in reply to 281658.1
Date: 09/05/2016 21:43:06
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From the players and staff over here we wish all of u a thrilling season... may ur goals be achieved

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281658.4 in reply to 281658.3
Date: 09/13/2016 17:56:46
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I really appreciate your criticism of my team bud! Exactly the things I'm looking to fix. Low on money ATM though, so I'm looking to pick up a few wins and get a nice stack of money, then improve my outside defense. I can win a few games against 3rd-5th seeds now, but I have 0 chance of making a dent against the big boys in the league. School got me slightly inactive though, so I probably won't reply on a thread for a bit.

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281658.6 in reply to 281658.5
Date: 09/13/2016 21:46:34
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Unfortunately, my best player is injured which means my chances of beating ThundersNinjas has significantly dropped. Hopefully he will return next Tuesdays game against Plymouth-Canton.

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281658.7 in reply to 281658.6
Date: 09/14/2016 22:52:37
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you'll be fine honestly im a foul magnet recently

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281658.9 in reply to 281658.8
Date: 09/18/2016 13:55:41
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Good luck for our next game :)

From: ZloppEE
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281658.10 in reply to 281658.9
Date: 09/25/2016 23:34:47
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Ladson and STN lookin dominant. Hopefully both stay undefeated until their clash.

BTW i was wondering if any of you guys would be interested in training some 18 year old Nigerian bigs. Theres three on the TL at the moment. I'm picking up the shortest one to train with a 6'6 Nigerian that I picked up last week. We might be able to train ourselves some U21 players, dominate Africa, and compete in the U21 world championships for the next couple of seasons.