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USA - V.63 > Wow, a whole lot of newbies, huh?

Wow, a whole lot of newbies, huh?

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Date: 7/31/2011 9:04:55 PM
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I'm another one. I've never played his game before, but I'm looking forward to going all out for the title. Good luck, everyone!

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192767.2 in reply to 192767.1
Date: 12/28/2011 12:30:10 AM
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me too, I'm another noob

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192767.3 in reply to 192767.2
Date: 12/28/2011 1:13:45 PM
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Holy crap, someone finally posts in the league forum? I thought that was a "once a decade" kind of thing.

Welcome, hopefully you enjoy the game as much as I do.

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192767.4 in reply to 192767.3
Date: 12/30/2011 12:46:07 AM
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Oh my god people actually found the league forum.... Good luck to everyone because I'm coming for that first place. Next season.

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192767.5 in reply to 192767.4
Date: 12/30/2011 2:15:30 PM
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YOU'RE going to be the first place team this season? I'll see you Tuesday.


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192767.6 in reply to 192767.5
Date: 12/31/2011 10:26:59 PM
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I gave Racketing Lightning a fight to remember. Don't push me.

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192767.7 in reply to 192767.6
Date: 1/1/2012 10:47:21 AM
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I beat Racketing Lightning the past three times that I played them. Don't push me.

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192767.8 in reply to 192767.3
Date: 1/1/2012 6:52:56 PM
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Thank you! I hope I can figure this out. I just gotta fire some folks now LOL and maybe train some hehehe

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192767.9 in reply to 192767.8
Date: 1/1/2012 9:35:52 PM
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I know this is a little awkward since we're "competition" and such, but I had a few people who helped me last season when I was just starting out and I'm a big believer in "giving back what you get". If you have any questions or want any advice or anything, send me a PM and I'll be glad to help out.

And yes, the first roster you're given has a LOT of dead weight, so you're going to want to do a lot of rebuilding, lol.

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192767.10 in reply to 192767.1
Date: 1/7/2012 10:08:39 PM
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[player=XXX]It's too bad your not getting that title D.C Wolves Best team in the league hands down if you want that title your gonna have to go through me and thats for any other team also

Last edited by BigBadWolf at 1/7/2012 10:10:57 PM

This Post:
192767.11 in reply to 192767.10
Date: 1/8/2012 1:16:03 AM
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... we'll see. Keep in mind I beat you twice last season, and this season when you beat me it was by 4 points, and you had to use a Crunch Time while I used Take it Easy. If all things are equal, I've got you beat.