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Trening U-21 igralcev

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176833.9 in reply to 176833.8
Date: 03/06/2011 17:05:06
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English version of "Guide to U21 training", part 1

This text is not a direct translation of Slovenian version, since you got your Slovenian youngster on market and not on draft. I also assume you know a bit about training since you spent good money to buy a good Slovenian prospect. Yes, our best draftees are mostly quite expensive, so I guess you know what you are doing!

Firstly, let me congratulate you on the choice of Slovenian player! We sincerely hope your player will be able to help our U21 National team and your team as well, of course. This will be possible only with quality training and that's why this thread exists. So without further ado, let's get down to business!

Most important things to consider when training a U21 player are:

- Nothing but one-position trainining except for Rebounding, 1 on 1 and Jump shot which are 2-position trainings by default

- Trainer level: at least 5, and 6 is desirable

- Trainee must not receive anything less than 48 minutes of training

- You have to be at least a bit flexible when it comes to training plan, chosen by U21 manager. Of course he will consider all of your team plans so training will benefit both.

Let's also write a quick reminder about some training aspects:

- If the trainee sucks at defense, you should train that first to avoid fouling out

- Elastic effect influences the speed of training; you can use it to your advantage with 1 on 1 training if you are training guards or on trainees with disproportionate skills (example: IS 7, ID 7, RB 3, SB 7)

- In blowout games your trainer will sub all starters out, so don't forget to dress only those players who will be either starters or backups in order to ensure your trainee full 48 minutes of training. Below there's an example.

You are training Pressure for PG. Dress 9 players and set them like this:

PG: Trainee/Trainee/Trainee
SG: John/Mitch/Mitch
SF: Gary/Mike/Mike
PF: Phillip/Sean/Sean
C: Ryan/Brad/Brad

At the start of every youngster's career you have to ask yourself: What kind of player do you want him to become? Do you want a player with proportionate skills? Or maybe a player with great defense and passing, but low shooting skills because of his low potential? Do you want to train the player for NT purposes also since he has a high potential?

The best thing you can do is create a training plan for your prospect with U21 manager or one of his scouts. U21 manager will determine each player's role and his 21-year skills according to team goals. But the final word on training plan is YOURS! If you think U21 goals are not the same as your teams', please notify U21 manager about that so you can work out a different training plan that suits your team better and at the same time helps U21 also.

Very important for managers with three trainess:

If you have three trainees and you want to ensure 48 minutes of training for each one of them, you probably know there will come some weeks when one of your trainees will get injured or will foul out. Most of the time you can switch the training for that week and still ensure 48 minutes to each of your trainees, but you have to follow these steps:
If you are training inside skills on C position: In a game, your trainee A is trying to get full 48 minutes on Center. Put your trainee B as a backup to PF so he can get some minutes there. Do the same for other games; one of the trainees always plays a backup PF while your other trainee plays full 48 minutes on Center. If one of trainees on Center fouls out or injures himself, you can always switch the training to Rebound for PF/C.

The same applies to guard trainings: If you are training on PG spot, put the other trainee on SG spot as a backup. If you are training Outside shooting for SG, put the other trainee on PG spot as a backup. If injury or fouling out happens, switch to either Jump Shot for PG/SG or 1 on 1 for PG/SG.

Last edited by Koperboy at 05/15/2012 07:50:15

This Post:
176833.10 in reply to 176833.9
Date: 03/06/2011 17:05:19
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English version of "Guide to U21 training", part 2

How to train a PG

Most important skills for PG, in this order:

Outside defense
Driving, Jump shot
Jump range, Inside defense
Inside shot, Rebound
Shot blocking

For optimal training of PG, these three trainings are best: Pressure, Passing and 1 on 1 for PG/SG. At the start of the season I recommend at least 4-5 weeks of 1 on 1, followed by Pressure until end of the season. An example of good PG when he reaches 21:

JS: 10
JR: 7
OD: 14
HA: 13
DR: 12
PA: 13

How to train a SG:

PG and SG are quite similar except for more outside shooting and jump shot (SG) or more passing and handling(PG). Training regime for first season should be similar to the one for PG: 1 on 1 for PG/SG and Pressure, but outside shooting instead of passing in second season. Passing is also important, but not as much as with PG.

Different tactics call for different builds of a SG. Driving and passing suits inside SGs, while outside shooting on SGs is important for outside tactics. Two examples of SGs:

Inside SG:

JS: 12
JR: 9
OD: 14
HA: 13
DR: 15
PA: 9
IS: 6

Outside SG:

JS: 15
JR: 12
OD: 14
HA: 13
DR: 13
PA: 7

How to train a SF:

SF position is the most flexible of all. You can even use a SG on SF spot for outside tactics or PF for inside. What determines SF the most are his starting skills and ofefnsive/defensive orientation of U21 team (inside, outside, balanced).

Inside SF is the easiest to train. Outside SF is a bit tougher nut to crack, while balanced SF is almost impossible to train for U21since you have only 3 seasons to do it.

First season of training is similar to those of PG and SG: Lots of 1 on 1 for SF/PF and Outside defense (Pressure). In 2nd season it's inside skills' turn, while 3rd season is best used to finish the rough edges. A lot of it depends on height of the player and his starting skills and here's where you can get a lot of help from either U21 manager or SF scout.

Inside SF:

JS: 9
JR: 6
OD: 11
HA: 10
DR: 12
PA: 7
IS: 12
ID: 11
RB: 9
SB: 5

Outside SF:

JS: 14
JR: 9
OD: 11
HA: 11
DR: 11
PA: 6
IS: 3-5
ID: 11
RB: 10
SB: 5

Balanced SF:

JS: 12
JR: 7
OD: 12
HA: 11
DR: 11
PA: 8
IS: 9
ID: 11
RB: 12
SB: 5

How to train a PF:

PF is right behind SF when talking about diversity. Distribution of skills depends on tactics and starting skills. A good PF can be nothing but rebounder, defender and passer, but he's suitable only for outside tactics obviously.
In general a good PF is a C with more jump shot and HA/DR, so some 1 on 1 for SF/PF is in order. Something like this:

JS: 9
JR: 4
OD: 14
HA: 5
DR: 6
PA: 5
IS: 13
ID: 13
RB: 13
SB: 7

How to train a C:

Center is a pretty one-dimensional position like PG. Most important skills are IS, ID and RB, followed by HA. Handling prevents turnovers and helps create a quality look so the player does not depend only on other teammates creating looks for him.

JS: 5
JR: 3
OD: 3
HA: 5
DR: 4
PA: 4
IS: 14
ID: 15
RB: 14
SB: 9

For all players:

Don't forget two skills which can sometimes turn the tides in the game: Stamina and Free throws. Players with low stamina can not only underperform as the game goes on, but also make more fouls in fourth quarter.

The most important thing of all that is written here is, however, GAME SHAPE. You have to guarantee 55-70 minutes a week for your player in order to have Strong or Proficient game shape. Players with Respectable game shape will not play unless there isn't any other choice.

Last edited by Koperboy at 05/15/2012 07:51:31

This Post:
176833.11 in reply to 176833.10
Date: 03/06/2011 17:05:37
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Last edited by Koperboy at 05/15/2012 06:27:20

This Post:
176833.12 in reply to 176833.11
Date: 03/06/2011 17:06:16
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Nič ni lepšega, kot na naboru dobiti super igralca ter ga s pravilnim treningom pripeljati v U-21 in člansko reprezentanco. Tukaj bom še nekaj malega napisal o strategiji nabora ter kako porabiti čim manj denarja za čim večji izkupiček.

Preden začneš porabljati točke, imajo vsi igralci sive žogice kot približno oceno svojih sposobnosti. Tukaj poudarjam približno oz. bolje rečeno, dostikrat napačno. Sive žogice so popolnoma nepomembne kot ocena sposobnosti igralcev. Takšnim igralcem se reče »neogledani«.

Če porabiš eno točko, se poleg igralca pokažejo rumene žogice, ki so precej natančen oris njegovih sposobnosti, dobiš pa tudi statistiko ene njegove tekme, kjer si ga je tvoj oglednik ogledal. Takšnim igralcem se reče »ogledani«.

Ogledane igralce lahko za dve točki tudi intervjujaš; izveš njihovo višino in starost (oboje zelo pomembno!), njihov potencial v obliki žogic in zelo natančno oceno v obliki črke (A, B, C...včasih je črki dodan + ali -, torej zelo podobno ameriškim šolskim ocenam). Takšnim igralcem se reče »intervjujani«.

Po tednu tekme vseh zvezd dobiš na voljo še kombiniran ogled in skupinski ogled. Kombiniran ogled ti pove starost in višino vseh igralcev – zelo uporabne informacije! S skupinskim ogledom si lahko »ogledaš« vse igralce z eno ali dvemi sivimi žogicami. Torej je to enako, kot da bi za vsakega tega igralca porabil po eno točko.

Ker iščeš samo 18-letnike, se prve točke najbolj splača porabiti za kombiniran ogled. Tako veš, koliko 18-letnikov je sploh v naboru in koliko točk moraš še porabiti. Računaj, da boš za vsakega 18-letnika porabil po eno točko in za vse, ki imajo vsaj štiri rumene kroglice, še dve za intervju.

Če je med igralci, ki imajo eno ali dve sivi žogici, več kot 10 18-letnikov, se ti nato splača uporabiti še skupinski ogled; če jih je 9 ali manj, pa je bolje, da si vsakega posebej ogledaš in tako porabiš po eno točko za vsakega.

Nato vsakega, ki ima štiri in pet rumenih kroglic, intervjujaj. Vsak, ki ima vsaj 4 kroglice za potencial, je dober kandidat za U-21 reprezentanco.

Če iščeš NT igralce na naboru, intervjujaj tudi igralce s tremi rumenimi žogicami. Med njimi namreč iščeš takšnega, ki ima pet žogic za potencial. Če najdeš igralca s petimi žogicami za potencial že med tistimi 18-letniki, ki imajo 4 ali 5 rumenih žogic za sposobnosti in si siguren, da ga lahko dobiš (si zadnji v ligi), potem tistih s tremi žogicami za sposobnosti ni treba intervjujati. Če pa nisi siguren, če boš lahko dobil igralca, ki je prvi na tvoji listi in nisi zadovoljen z ostalimi, pa poskusi srečo tudi z igralci s tremi rumenimi žogicami za sposobnosti.

Vsekakor pa obvezno počakaj do tedna vseh zvezd, da boš lahko najprej uporabil kombinirani ogled. Svetujem ti, da do takrat vložiš po 20k na teden; 40k na teden ne priporočam, saj za dodatnih 20k dobiš samo eno točko več na teden, za odkritje tistega želenega 18-letnika pa je dovolj 30-35k na teden. Če po tednu vseh zvezd, ko uporabiš kombinirani ogled, misliš, da rabiš več točk, lahko še vedno zvišaš investiranje v nabor na 40k na teden.

Vso srečo na naboru!

Last edited by Koperboy at 03/07/2011 08:30:54

From: MR.X

This Post:
176833.13 in reply to 176833.12
Date: 03/07/2011 07:38:47
Overall Posts Rated:
Svaka čast men bi se zmešalo če bi tole pisal kaj sele bral..

From: Koperboy

To: MR.X
This Post:
176833.14 in reply to 176833.13
Date: 03/07/2011 07:49:58
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A pol ne boš prebral?

This Post:
176833.15 in reply to 176833.14
Date: 03/07/2011 08:17:38
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mmm....pregledno,obširno in hkrati jedernato,razumljivo,dopuščanje možnosti drugače mislečim....
Sedaj bo tudi meni malo lažje pisati o taktikah,ker vidim,da nisem samo jaz toliko zmešan,da se mi ljubi tako obširno razpisati....
P.S....sem kar malo zavisten :p

This Post:
176833.16 in reply to 176833.15
Date: 03/07/2011 08:35:59
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Jah, ko si zaradi enomesečnega otroka prikovan doma, nekako najdeš čas tudi za to Sploh pa mi je BB zelo všeč in za takšne stvari mi ni problem vložiti čas.
Ni treba biti zavisten, ta vodič ni nastal v dveh dneh... Pišem ga že en mesec, tako da sem ga imel čas izbrusiti, velik del pomoči pa je dodal še Braco.

Last edited by Koperboy at 03/07/2011 08:36:34

From: Eli

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176833.17 in reply to 176833.16
Date: 03/07/2011 09:02:48
New York Titans
Overall Posts Rated:
Pohvalno, zna bit v veliko pomoč

From: MR.X

To: Eli
This Post:
176833.18 in reply to 176833.17
Date: 03/07/2011 13:43:28
Overall Posts Rated:
Ne. prebral sem vse in mi je zelo všeč..

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