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BB Danmark > U21 National Team Speeches

U21 National Team Speeches (thread closed)

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315474.2 in reply to 315474.1
Date: 07/27/2022 13:23:15
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Hi everyone
After 15 seasons I'd like to start to manage a NT team
In the past I collaborated with a couple of u21, and I managed to get a couple of players in Finland u21, Austria u21 and Italy u21
I'd like to start my NT career in Danmark cause I believe we can grow together, I start with my international experience and hopefully I can help your community grow. Eventually I'd like to repeat Romania's success of s52, but for now that's impossible. I think a realistic target could be 2/3 wins in the EU championship.
I noticed you don't approve of your u21 coach so I'd like to know what can be improved. Lack of communication? Poor results? Lack of Bb mails?
You probably prefer someone from your country to lead your team, and I understand and respect if that's what you want, and if that's isn't what you want, hopefully I am.

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315474.4 in reply to 315474.1
Date: 07/27/2022 19:18:58
Four Twenty Blazers
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Second Team:
Four Twenty Blazers II
Hej allesammen.

Mit navn er Lasse, og jeg vil gerne stille op til U-21 landstræner.

Tilbage i sæson 14-15 sad jeg på pladsen som u21 landstræner, og efter en pause, er jeg nu tilbage i Buzzerbeater.

Jeg ønsker at skabe et u21 landshold der samarbejder mellem de få danske hold der er, om at skabe sammenhold og udvikling af vores talenter.

Mit hold består af alle jer, der har positiv og negativ kritik. Jeg vil lytte til alt, tage råd med fra alle.

Og. Jeg vil være aktiv hver eneste dag.

Jeg håber meget at vi sammen kan føre u21 Danmark til nye højder, ved at udnytte det vi har, og lave en plan dertil.

Godt valg


Last edited by MrSkar at 07/27/2022 19:31:41