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Arena Construction time

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From: Tuck
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Date: 04/08/2014 12:53:41
ES Arnould
Overall Posts Rated:

I just want to say that i am a bit surprised today.
I've launched on the first day of Utopia creation some construction in my Arena, to add 3 VIP seats :

They are not build yet. Then in my league, 2 managers started building the same day i did, but later, some constructions too : 173 seats in total including 3 VIP seats. 3 VIP seats.
On of my friend also did the same : 2 VIP seats.

My game is about to start in 2 hours. They both have their Arena ready with new seats. I don't.
I have 2 days remaining before it's over. Why ???

Second point :
The first team i showed added 173 seats and had a game at home since they started the construction. I did not.
Do you feel like it's close to reality to have 173 builded faster than 3 seats IRL ? And especially when they had to wait for 1 game at home in the middle of the work.

Maybe it's a bug, then please do somthing before Tonight game, if it's not, then please tell the company the owe me 3k$ because of work done after deadline.

Thanks in advance !

Last edited by Tuck at 04/08/2014 12:54:49

From: BB-Marin

To: Tuck
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257658.2 in reply to 257658.1
Date: 04/09/2014 05:41:12
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
There is no deadline for arena construction, just an estimate. Sometimes the arena is built faster, sometimes slower. To simulate real life better, it's generally slower.

From: Tuck

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257658.3 in reply to 257658.2
Date: 04/09/2014 07:24:49
ES Arnould
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There is no deadline for arena construction, just an estimate. Sometimes the arena is built faster, sometimes slower. To simulate real life better, it's generally slower.

Ok, but can you imagine how unfair it is compared to the other teams ?

They have 3k$ more (one player salary in Utopia) plus the possibility to launch another arena increase sooner, with more money to spend in it.

In a league where there are many good managers, dealing with such random things is not possible, it generates some holes and disadvantages you can't fill (and i'm not talking about the starting rosters...)

Last edited by Tuck at 04/10/2014 05:07:51

From: Tuck

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257658.4 in reply to 257658.2
Date: 04/10/2014 03:16:00
ES Arnould
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It's still blocked at 2 days left (after 2 days waiting...)

From: Tuck

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257658.6 in reply to 257658.5
Date: 04/10/2014 05:06:54
ES Arnould
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I have done 59 arena expansions and it seem perfectly normal to me.

It would be normal if all the others team in my league who have launched their extension after me where still waiting for it to be over.

Every team in my league who launched their construction the first day are over but mine.

And some of them have already launched a second extension...
You might have spent 24 seasons playing the game, know every aspect of the game by hard, you're disadvantaged by a random fonction.

Marin, is there any historical database generating compensation through random fonction ?
Or is it just like... random ?
Like random fonction gives you a poor roster, bad construction times, injuries on players... and never compensates ?
Or at least a compensation in each of theese sectors due to past bad luck ?

Btw, ideas to solve problems like this :
- Add companies that give you a quotation for you Arena.
Each company would have some caracteristics (price, delay, fiability)
You can choose any quotations for you Arena, almost knowing what you are going to pay for.

- Time and problems (in actual system) should be function of Arena actual size.
It's not possible that someone can build faster 173 seats in different areas of an arena faster that 3 seats in the same area for same prices. (i'm also already surprised the time construction was initially the same, though)
You can't have the same delay for something like 0.07% of your Arena compared to 3.84% of your Arena. (assuming the fact we are all paying the same price to the same company)

I know i'm screwed for this time, this season, this team.
But you can act for future teams to have a better system.
Is it Buzzerbeater priority ? I don't think so.
But one day, it would be good to change some aspects that have been left aside for something like 25-27 seasons so far...

From: Tuck

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257658.8 in reply to 257658.7
Date: 04/10/2014 07:14:49
ES Arnould
Overall Posts Rated:

I can understand that you don't like the system but there isn't a problem, which means there is no need to solve anything.
It's the way it's designed.

And i'm just giving some idea to give evolutions to something which hasn't change since i started in season 3.

I aslo think this might be fun to have a choice between slow and cheap construction and expensive and fast.

You are also saying about sample, well, more than having the wort time in my league, i also checked construction times in other divisions before i posted (i was not going to argue on 3 teams, they were just easy examples) and i ended up with only on team over the 50 teams i checked in my case.
At least, we are 2 teams disadvantaged...

The final point is also that they were supposed to create a league were we can have "real competition" but, how can you compete when whatever your decision are the random is not helping ? It's sure everything bu Utopia...

And i've also done many arena extensions so far with my French team, but i never had the possibility to compare time with other teams.
I found it normal in the past.
I find it completely unfair today.

From: BB-Marin

To: Tuck
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257658.9 in reply to 257658.8
Date: 04/10/2014 08:44:29
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Random is random, no compensations. As for your suggestions, they are not bad (as most aren't) but this is the bugs forum, not the suggestions forum. Also, it was already said that this is not a bug, but a random occurrence (or bad luck, whatever you call it).

Expanding the arena is always a slow and costly matter. Whether you expand it by 1 seat or by 1000, the constructors still need to bring all of the necessary machinery and materials, which takes time, of course. We could have reflected this with the price too, but decided the time factor is enough. You get an estimate and the rest is random or luck.

While we are trying to make Utopia as competitive as possible, giving everyone the same starting conditions would mean something completely different. For example, everyone should have the same starting players too, then. We don't want to make Utopia teams completely different from other teams, otherwise we would have taken a different approach on many other things too. Conditions vary a little, just like real life or the rest of BB, it's up to you how you make the best of them.

This Post:
257658.10 in reply to 257658.9
Date: 05/05/2014 09:41:33
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I'm not asking for you to give away the formulas of how much randomness this could involve, but I am curious at this point if my arena is stuck or if the amount of randomness in the arena building is far greater than I had thought.

I ordered a 50 seat increase in the lower tier seven days ago now. The estimated time on that was 6 days, so of course the fact that it's not complete now is slightly unfortunate but not unreasonable. However, in seven days, the estimated time has only dropped from 6 to 4 days, which means that not only am I not near getting one day's work per day, but I'm not even getting a third of the work done per day.

If it is possible that work can proceed that slowly (or even, with sufficiently bad luck, never progress) then I understand it's not a bug, but it's reached the level where I at least feel like it's time to ask about it.

This Post:
257658.11 in reply to 257658.10
Date: 05/05/2014 20:05:58
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Ironically this is actually very similar to builidning in real life.

Have you ever built a house before? A work mate of mine just had her house finished after 18 months, yet the initial estimate was 6 months. AND after 6 months they told her 3 more months.

so it does happen in real life. A lot.