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BB Global (English) > How does the Draft System work?

How does the Draft System work? (thread closed)

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From: Jadoo
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Date: 08/14/2010 04:08:53
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In my league for example, it is only one division, so draft is easy - 3 rounds of selection for the 16 teams. In the leagues with more divisions, each division's teams pick 3 times? and is there a different pool of draftees for each division? or is that all the draftees are in one pool and teams pick in reverse order (lowest division to the highest)?
I'm just wondering how it works.

From: jacobomd

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154192.2 in reply to 154192.1
Date: 08/14/2010 04:25:38
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Each group of any division gets 48 players to draft, as yours. Players are different for each group.
It works the same that your league works but with more divisions and groups.
Best regards.

From: DireWolf

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154192.3 in reply to 154192.1
Date: 08/14/2010 06:28:51
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Please use the Help forums for questions like these.