Current Standings
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Corant Bas Postioma T
DIRROMMA W     Pawns Case
Scaligera Vr     Hooligans
Olimpia Al ziogios squad

League Forum Sneak Peek
Recent Posts
By Chiapponz in Saluti:
By dvd7587 in Saluti:
se vai sulla pagina principale ( Gestione della squadra) c'è uno spazio a destra dove ti apaiono squadre che non hanno ancora organizzato. basta che clicchi sul
mi potreste dire come organizzare amichevoli?
By dvd7587 in Saluti:
io vogherese da sempre ;) non è che magari ci conosciamo pure?
Injury Report
Player Team Injury Salary
Prospero Tedeschi Corant Basket Rosolini 12 - 24 $ 5 486
Nunzio Fossati DIRROMMA WARRIOR 4 - 7 $ 5 098
Transfer List Report
There are currently no players listed on the transfer market from this league.
Team Stats
C.S.C. Villa Carcina 240 48.1-90.3 0.532 9.2-21.2 0.435 12.6-24.8 0.508 11.2 45.9 38.4 11.0 5.4 3.3 16.0 118.0 5.1
Hooligans Vassena 250 50.8-96.7 0.526 10.1-21.9 0.460 11.8-23.1 0.509 12.4 48.2 38.8 9.5 4.9 5.2 15.9 123.5 4.6
Olimpia Alcamo 244 49.8-94.8 0.525 9.6-21.2 0.451 13.1-25.2 0.518 12.0 45.6 38.3 8.8 5.8 5.7 16.0 122.3 5.4
THE BUFETZ 248 49.2-93.9 0.524 10.9-22.5 0.485 12.0-19.8 0.608 8.9 40.6 40.3 9.2 4.5 3.4 20.2 121.4 5
DindiRaptors 244 48.9-93.5 0.523 10.5-23.0 0.457 11.4-21.8 0.525 11.2 43.4 36.7 9.9 5.1 4.0 18.3 119.8 5.2
Scaligera Vr 244 49.1-94.1 0.522 10.0-21.0 0.476 15.8-25.7 0.614 12.5 45.4 36.6 8.5 3.6 3.0 15.8 123.9 5.1
Generals BC 250 51.3-99.7 0.515 11.5-23.1 0.498 13.2-22.8 0.582 12.6 46.9 40.6 8.9 4.9 3.3 17.3 127.4 5.3
Pawns Case Gherardi 242 46.9-91.3 0.514 9.6-22.6 0.424 11.1-20.7 0.536 10.0 41.8 36.9 10.3 6.3 5.8 13.8 114.5 5.1
DIRROMMA WARRIOR 252 50.2-98.4 0.511 11.2-22.9 0.487 14.3-25.9 0.553 13.6 48.6 39.2 8.9 5.2 4.2 18.1 126.0 4.7
Postioma Triggers 250 48.6-96.2 0.505 11.9-22.8 0.522 12.7-24.3 0.521 11.1 44.6 38.8 10.3 6.2 3.1 16.8 121.8 5.1
Corant Basket Ros... 240 47.9-95.0 0.504 9.5-20.2 0.469 13.2-25.0 0.530 13.9 47.4 39.4 8.2 5.9 4.5 13.6 118.6 5.3
Salt Dogs Madonna... 248 46.7-93.2 0.500 11.1-24.7 0.449 12.1-20.8 0.582 12.2 47.0 31.0 13.2 4.8 5.0 22.2 116.5 5
ziogios squad 246 47.5-95.7 0.497 9.5-21.8 0.437 15.1-24.8 0.609 12.1 44.8 38.1 6.7 6.1 5.7 17.2 119.6 5.1
Fortitudo 244 46.4-96.8 0.480 10.4-22.2 0.470 9.0-17.6 0.512 15.2 47.9 33.5 12.4 5.3 4.9 17.2 112.2 5.1
Mind Games Nepi 242 44.2-92.4 0.479 11.2-24.2 0.462 10.2-18.3 0.555 10.3 41.2 33.2 10.0 5.6 3.2 20.1 109.8 4.5
Murray Dundee 240 45.8-97.8 0.468 10.2-24.6 0.414 10.3-18.4 0.561 15.2 49.6 34.8 9.4 5.5 5.1 15.6 112.0 5.2
Best Performances
Lucas Rebouillat
67 Points
Emilio Torreira
35 Rebounds
Notis Katechis
22 Assists
Christodoulos Siopoudis
12 Blocks