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04/07/2008  0 replies    

Press Announcements

The ambition of ατ

Unfortunately, I came too late to the team and there is no way possible to shake this embarrassing 8 position on Big 8 series. However, there was an immediate impact on the team and out of 2 games played we managed to get 1 victory against the better side from UmbrellaEvolution.

I hope that we can get few more players in in order to raise the level of play a make a competitive team for next season when probably we will be distributed in another series where we will have different opponents.

Hopefully, the draft will be kind in order to grant us 1-2 positions that we could train and eventually make money to invest in players which in turn will lift us in the rankings.

Alpha Tauri is a team that has plenty of ambition and strives to get to top level. I hope I can get the team there as fast as possible.

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