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BB Australia > u21 season 54

u21 season 54

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Date: 07/10/2021 20:56:19
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Greetings to all and thank you to all that took the time to vote in the u21 election. It is a positive thing that 52 people took the time to have an opinion on our national team. Commiserations to FE, great to see another manager interested in running the team and Id encourage all managers interested in the team to jump in and assist in the season 54 program- it is the best way to experience- just ask Deano!

We begin our home court journey this season with our team announcement.

Our captain for the season 54 is Walter Densi.
Home manager Cobe24 has trained this guy very well and his multi dimensional attacks are going to be a handful for opposition teams. He will lead the team with the ball in hand as a ball distributor and playmaker.

U21 team selection:
Michael Pelip
John Bennett
Zahid Alim
Ustad Sulaiman
"Steak" Dian
"Super Sub" Subheder
Walter Densi
Allan Dickson
Milhouse Shipway
Waldo Johns- Doesnt need a nickname with Waldo his first name.
Larry Fitzhenry
John Lund
Kahu "Aussie" Hooper

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311210.2 in reply to 311210.1
Date: 07/11/2021 05:50:27
Heywood Big Dogs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Heywood Lions
Handy starting squad.
Best of luck this season! I think the home court has come together nicely with a solid squad, the stars might be aligning for a real crack at this!.

I completely endorse what Whitewind is saying, I shadowed Whitewind and LordWoody for 4-5 seasons before I stepped in to try and fill Woody’s shoes. It gave me a while mew perspective of what it was to manage a national side. From a managers point of view, I love when more people take a genuine interest. Different perspectives help you to see the possibilities differently and overall make the team more successful.

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311210.3 in reply to 311210.2
Date: 09/06/2021 19:12:09
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
A nice defeat last night to India holds us in a strong position to fight for a semi final spot. Our rebound and assist count were both through the roof- 90 rebounds in a match is dominant. A team FG% of nearly 60% is also elite.

Taiwan survived a closer game vs NZ to hold the top spot in the other pool, after CTing China the week before. Our team is performing well but can really go up another gear with our best players reaching top condition together. If you have a player (or future player) worthy of consideration, please bbmail myself with updated skills and bring him to my attention.

Game Vs India MVPs
Lund- 19 pts, 19 boards, 88% FG.
Johns- 17pts, 20 boards, 75% FG.
AVD- 19pts, 6 assists, 5 boards.

It seems i may have some catching up to do in announcing my MVPs this season... so for the first time in my u21 coaching i might keep the first round of MVPs quiet until the MVP count.

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311210.4 in reply to 311210.3
Date: 09/28/2021 19:52:19
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Our u21 campaign came to an end this week, going down in a very winnable game vs Philippines. We had the skills and training into our players to go deep into this season. Unfortunately, we had not one but 3 top players in respectable GS which opened up holes everywhere in the side. we ended up playing some of those guys to try and hold the defensive end down, but we were lacking in any advantage offensively to outscore them. Take nothing away from our opponents who deserved the win with their top gameshape going into this match.

Season MVPs will be up shortly...

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311210.5 in reply to 311210.4
Date: 09/28/2021 20:09:18
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Season 54 MVPs

With our first season of withheld MVP votes, the final results are calculated:

17 votes- Bennett
15 votes- Densi
11 votes- Pelip
7 votes- AVD
5 votes- Dickson
4 votes- Johns/Lund
2 votes- Shipway
1 vote- Dian

Congrats to rnr of BC Vapour for the consistent season of Shipway! Runner up, and cracking the all time new record of 117 TSP(only one season after it being smashed) was the amazing training of Densi, which was our local manager Yoyoyo of team Cobe824. Great stuff fellas!

Last edited by whitewind at 10/02/2021 07:27:12