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playoff previews and recaps

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294522.9 in reply to 294522.8
Date: 07/16/2018 15:18:07
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Okay, so I'll recap these two games one at a time, starting with game two of the finals series...Raleigh fought back after a strong first quarter from BPE, but they seemed to find another gear in the fourth quarter as they force a game 3. BPE was in total control of the boards in addition to taking and making more free throws and having a more efficient night from the field. The one thing to take away from game two was just how much the guards seem to have taken control of the offense; usually, BPE wouldn't win if Baldriz was their fifth-leading scorer, but between BPE's guards, they were more than fine. WHat Baldriz and Oakley at power forward and center did, however, was facilitate the offense, combining for 11 assists and only 3 turnovers. Boquillion played great again, but it just wasn't enough...even though at this date we know what happened already, there was definitely some intrigue going into game 3, but I'll cover that in a few minutes.

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294522.10 in reply to 294522.9
Date: 07/16/2018 15:23:25
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Going into game 3, the way BPE had played the game before left this game as possibly a bit of a toss-up. The edge would probably go to the home team, but when a team catches fire, you never know. After the first quarter, though, things didn't look so great for BPE. In the next two quarters, however, they played lights out and cut the lead to 1 going into the fourth quarter. From there, however, I have to guess Bouquillon went into Kevin Durant/LeBron James mode as he has all throughout these playoffs and your season 42 League IV.64 champions are the Raleigh Capitols. It didn't come without some challenges at the end, but they move back up behind the guy who seems to be the undisputed playoff MVP, who hit big shot after big shot down the stretch in the semis. The one thing that stood out in this game for Raleigh was field goal efficiency, as they shot well over 50 percent from the field while BPE was just under. Bouquillion in particular shot 56% in scoring 47 points to close the series out; he's a real assassin on offense. Great season everyone and good luck next season!