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USA - II.3 > whatcha gonna do when season 52 comes down on you!

whatcha gonna do when season 52 comes down on you!

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307501.5 in reply to 307501.4
Date: 12/22/2020 11:32:58
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
**************SEASONS GREETINGS****************

Tonight's opening montage shows scenes from outside the various venues expressing how each franchise expresses their Christmas Cheer (I envision Desert storm having the cactuses decked out in Christmas lights, here in Greensboro it's a Christmas village with ticket takers dressed as Elves) careening into action shots,

Announcer: A healthy and happy holiday season to you all as we finish the first week of competition with a fine slate of contests. After tonight we will understand a little bit more about who has been naughty, and who is looking nice.

Over in club red.....the nightmare look to bounce back against the bullets.

Rash and Ice meet up in a battle between teams looking for that early leg up.

Love looks to tame the always solid Tigers

and the falcons who have been making major moves in the market will look to fly past deronimo

In true blue

the chunks look loaded for bear, tonight they get their rival Greensboro as the venerable Coliseum will be buzzing over this one

storm it appears is holding a year end, or more aptly a season starting clearance sale as lots of high priced models are available for your enjoyment. though this sell off does not come early enough to appease the iguanas

borg looks to bounce back on the road against the always difficult ballstars

and delta seeks to steer the ship back into the right direction against a Lithuanica squad which surprised many by securing a win over storm on opening night.

Sybil will seer into her crystal ball to give you her prognostications. Lee's way and Alfred's angle will pull no punches. We get a visit from the fat man in the red suit and we will tell you the best way your team can spend their first round cup loot. So hang the stockings with care as all the action is here as it's time again for BB2NIGHT!!

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 12/22/2020 11:33:23

From: chihorn
This Post:
307501.6 in reply to 307501.1
Date: 12/24/2020 23:24:28
New York Chunks
Overall Posts Rated:
12/22/2020 - Flathead Falcons has just acquired Homer Simpson for $ 520 200.


Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!
This Post:
307501.7 in reply to 307501.6
Date: 12/26/2020 18:01:06
Greensboro Generals
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Tonight's opening montage shows the three's raining down from above in slow motion.

Announcer: a change in focus in how the game is called has been pledged from on high with the goal to make the long ball more part of the attack. Refs throughout the buzzerbeater world have been told to enact these new directives. Much has been theorized as to what these changes will mean, tonight we get the first taste of turning those theory's into fact.

Over in big blue

the chunks look to continue to spread their funk as ballstars come to the big apple with a early inside track to the top of the charts at stake

delta and the iguanas go at it in a battle between two teams trying to steer clear of the cellar

cybogs look to break their cherry on the season though storm still looks formidable

and the generals go on the road to battle BC in a tussle between the two teams sitting on that tightwire between relevance and relagtion

in club red

the falcons have been spending like drunken sailors on leave, tonight we get the first chance so see how well their spree will translate into results against the conference leading ice men

deronimo looks to show no love to love tonight in the always tough to play in cassell coliseum

the tigers look to tame the nightmare

and the bullets and monsters battle to stay in the playoff conversation

Sybil will seer into her crystal ball. We will learn all there is to know in a very active week of movement on the markets with our first look at the transfer ticker for the season. Alfred's angle and Lee's way are coming your way, and many other things are coming along on this fine early winter day as it's time again for BB2NIGHT !

This Post:
307501.8 in reply to 307501.7
Date: 12/29/2020 16:54:56
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:

your opening montage is solid game action of a highly frenetic nature to reflect the tenor of the opening theme.

Announcer: tonight we continue with the nightly grind. This looks to be a season where there will not be many nights off as it seems every team is taking their best measure to make their top push. The question is who will be able to best make moves and who will find their finances are a hinderance.

In club red

deronimo will need to put their best foot forward to get past the nightmare

monsters and tigers tangle in a battle between two teams riding the highwire act.

love seeks to knock the ice man from the ranks of the unbeaten

and the falcons are trying to see if they can fly the coop of the cellar with the bullets coming to town

in big blue

ballstars went bot, while a couple of mainstays are still on the roster for the moment lituanica should have their way with them

the iguanas continue to make core improvements while the generals are struggling with having the short stack financially

delta seeks to deal with the surprisingly winless borg

and in a battle for the top of the table the storm looks to hold home serve against the vastly improved chunks

sybil will have her say. New editions of Alfred's angle and Lee's way are forthcoming. The transfer ticker looks about ready to explode and we will look further into what caused the stars to suddenly implode. So don't get stuck on the commode as it's time again for BB2NIGHT

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307501.9 in reply to 307501.8
Date: 12/29/2020 18:55:26
New York Chunks
Overall Posts Rated:
I don't understand these announcements. I thought we were playing Candy Crush...

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!
This Post:
307501.10 in reply to 307501.9
Date: 01/05/2021 16:23:49
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
I don't understand these announcements. I thought we were playing Candy Crush...


tonight's opening montage dishes up some delicious on court concoctions!

Announcer: For some the season has thus far been sweet, sour for others and sometimes bitter as well. Let's see what the tastes are for our competitors after this evening.

Over in big blue....

the chunks look to keep pace with those in the upper division while the borgs continue to look for their first taste of victory.

the storm gets to savor the delight of a free pass against the bot ballstars

delta looks to dish our defeat to the visiting generals

and BC looks to feast on BBQed iguana

in club red....

love looks for a recipe to get off the schnide against visiting nightmare

the tigers look to take a bite out of deronimo

The bullets will look to melt the red hot ice

and the falcons will look to cook the monsters goose to get back to the break even mark

Sybil will seer into her crystal ball. Alfred and Lee will give their lowdown on what is going to befall and the transfer ticker will recount who is making moves and who is apt to sputter and stall. So get ready to ball as it's time again for BB2night

This Post:
307501.11 in reply to 307501.10
Date: 01/08/2021 21:46:02
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:

Tonight's opening montage consist of the silly and the surreal. madcap hijinx commence.

Announcer: in what in many ways has already turned into a strange season twist thru the final matchups for the first foray in conference play.

in big blue...

the Borg is looking for answers, the iguanas seek to avoid probing any

the generals get a chance to coast against the ballstars, they hope.

the storm looks to take a stranglehold on the top spot but the niners will look to bring them back towards the pack

and the same exact scenario is in play as the chunks visit BC

Over yonder in club red. .

the tigers look to try and put themselves back closer to playoff contention against the bullets

the falcons will look to fly the coop of the cellar against love

while deronimo looks to avoid the deep freeze of dropping to the cellar with a road trip to ice

and the night mare and monsters matchup in a battle with potential meaning down the line in terms of playoff seeding.

Sybil stares deep into her crystal ball. we will have a check of the transfer ticker. Al and Lee are always good for a snicker so don't go anywhere because the plot is about to get thicker as it's time again for BB2NIGHT

This Post:
307501.12 in reply to 307501.11
Date: 01/12/2021 17:34:08
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:

Tonight's opening montage just goes with the groove man, run with it bruh.

Announcer: tonight the schedule hits into high gear as it's the start of inter conference competition where each side of the ledger gets to see just where they stand relative to the other. This evening club red host the festivities in the battle to see what side will reign supreme.

The generals get the unpleasant experience of dealing with the nightmare.

Ice and the Borg battle in matchup between the two teams at complete opposite ends of the specture.

the iguanas drop in to pay a visit down in the valley against deronimo

the monsters get to freely maul on the bot ballstars

delta deals with a road trip to face the love

in the matchup of the leagues biggest surprises the tigers look to tame top standing BC

bullets and chunks come together in a battle between teams trying to stay above the break even mark

and the falcons continue to look to find their wings though doing so with the storm rolling thru town is never a easy task

Sybil will seer into her crystal ball. We will check out the latest league transactions on the transfer ticker. A look at upcoming cup matchups is also on the way and Alfred and Lee will get you ready for the stay, so let's get ready for anther great night of play as it's time again for BB2NIGHT!!!

This Post:
307501.13 in reply to 307501.12
Date: 01/16/2021 17:23:32
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:

When in doubt, or when time constraints dictate, just go for the funkyness of Eumir and you can never go wrong.

Announcer: Tonight the clash between the conferences continues as we are in that part of the schedule where teams often are deciding what is more important, league or cup, and it is those decisions which often color the results for any given evening. In the opening salvo club red held serve winning five of the eight matchups. Tonight we change to big blue venues, lets see how the change in scenery impacts the results.

Since the chunks are out of the cup they can let it all hang out for the league, while the nightmare still has to navigate those roads.

love takes a trip to the desert to face the always formidable storm

the falcons will finally be put in a position to fly the coop with bot ballstars on tap.

niners and ice meet up in a intriguing matchup

the iguanas are out of the cup process while the tigers still have a heartbeat in that regard so I expect both sides to spend efforts in that manner appropriately

the borg looks to bounce out of the cellar while deronimo is desperately seeking to avoid ending up there

BC is still in the cup conversation while bullets has spent their shot, how this influences matters will be interesting

and the short handed generals will have to decide what is more important, an extra 50k or trying to put themselves in position to stay in the rarified air of d2, the decisions of each game have distinct impact on both those fronts.

Sybil will seer into her crystal ball. We will review the transactions of the transfer ticker. and of course Alfred and Lee will find something to bicker over. So don't touch that dial! We are about the bring it all to you in style as it's time again for BB2NIGHT!

This Post:
307501.14 in reply to 307501.13
Date: 01/16/2021 19:49:44
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Always enjoy League forum game time takes on the games.... keep up the great work always fun and entertaining.... and yes the Borgs need to get out of the cellar.... we are competitive just need to find a way to get the W

This Post:
307501.15 in reply to 307501.14
Date: 01/17/2021 08:48:48
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
you got one last night, much to the chagrin of my former long time league mate from my d3 days.

Don't know how I managed to scheme that one last night. Copeland still on the shelf, did not factor Taylor into the lineup, Caraccicolo fouled out after 18 minutes and Lousteau laying more bricks than a habitat house. Yet we stayed close, Lousteau got hot in the final minutes, the last five minutes were bonkers with the lead changing hands practically on every possession. Lousteau with a little runner with four seconds left for the winner with the monsters running out of time without getting off a shot. Somebody get Harry Kalas or better yet John Facenda back from the grave
