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Canada - III.7 > season 14

season 14

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From: Greggs

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159560.4 in reply to 159560.3
Date: 11/26/2010 15:08:30
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You say that as if it's a bad thing div 3 isn't too bad really you can build your team in that league just fine and I found your team one of the better ones when I played. Div 4 is not a fun place to be.

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159560.5 in reply to 159560.4
Date: 12/02/2010 19:48:09
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It's pretty bad when the last place team in the Great 8 would be in the playoffs in the Big 8.

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159560.6 in reply to 159560.5
Date: 12/02/2010 22:15:40
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Congrats on your season so far, I had a good feeling this league was going to be easier this year without a few very good teams and I saw that a few very good teams are in the great 8. Look at my league tho all bots teams....

From: Malhiem
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159560.7 in reply to 159560.6
Date: 01/12/2011 15:37:27
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Hi guys,

My name is Chris, I'm new to this league after taking IV.16 in dramatic fashion. I think there were 4 people active in the league and it showed in the playoffs.

Looking forward to this new challenge.

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159560.8 in reply to 159560.7
Date: 01/14/2011 11:03:53
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You are in for a challenge. Your division is tough. Almost all the teams in the Great 8 would have made the playoffs with their record if they were in my division, the Big 8. I was second in the Big 8 but would have been in fourth in the Great 8, the team behind me would have been in the relegation round in your division.

Anyways, Good Luck! :)

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159560.9 in reply to 159560.8
Date: 04/12/2011 22:21:10
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I hope I win I hope I win.

GL Lemons

From: mikpj

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159560.10 in reply to 159560.9
Date: 04/14/2011 22:52:37
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1 down 1 to go :)))

From: mikpj

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159560.11 in reply to 159560.10
Date: 04/17/2011 12:35:10
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Strippers win and promote. What do I do know? Do I sell high priced players and some type of rebuild?