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Canada - III.2 > new help

new help

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From: Firehawk

This Post:
4584.3 in reply to 4584.2
Date: 03/21/2008 09:52:36
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I'm brand new also. Hope I can figure this out soon

This Post:
4584.4 in reply to 4584.3
Date: 03/21/2008 21:00:31
Overall Posts Rated:
I just started today. Any help that I could get would be appreciated.

From: joeyb
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4584.5 in reply to 4584.4
Date: 04/02/2008 15:04:44
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Hey everyone,

I'm still pretty new at this too, this will be my first full season. Looks like I got pretty lucky with my team when I joined. I finished dead last in my league the previous season, and the draft was the best thing to happen to me. My top scorer is a freshman, and the other two players I got were great as well. Basically, the draft is why I'm number one (so far) this season. If you get relegated to a lower division, and can start winning there, the fans start coming out and you start making money, then you expand your arena to make even more money, and then you can start buying better players. That's how it has worked for me, though I haven't expanded my arena yet... it's next on my list of things to do.

Good luck to all,

Last edited by joeyb at 04/02/2008 15:07:02

This Post:
4584.6 in reply to 4584.1
Date: 05/07/2008 12:52:02
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Me too. Seems like fun.