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USA - IV.37 > So who's finishing 2nd here?

So who's finishing 2nd here?

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From: Goat

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291895.3 in reply to 291895.2
Date: 01/08/2018 20:08:55
Snow Blizzards
Overall Posts Rated:
Lol, was just messing with ya'll. Used to be in the same Division as the Warriors. Tough as nails that group is. Good luck to you this season.

From: Incense

To: Goat
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291895.4 in reply to 291895.3
Date: 01/08/2018 21:53:19
Overall Posts Rated:
All good brother, it's all in good fun at the end of the day.

Thanks, you as well. Congrats on the recent promotion to D3 !

From: Goat

This Post:
291895.5 in reply to 291895.4
Date: 01/08/2018 22:58:29
Snow Blizzards
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks man. It will be short lived for a season. I got placed with several heavyweights....just gonna upgrade the roster and try to stockpile as much cash as I can!