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Season 64

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323179.20 in reply to 323179.19
Date: 04/01/2024 14:40:19
San Dominica Warriors
Overall Posts Rated:
The 1st round of conference play has finished. For many teams some questions have been answered and for others if not all some questions remain. As we go into interconference play here are the 1st set of power rankings for the league

16.) Patriots
Why are they here: It was said earlier in the season that the Patriots are on the poor end of the talent margin but reside in a conference that would have no problems preying upon them. Seven games in this has not changed at all. The evolution of the Patriots will continue but next season it will be in division IV

15.) Profs

Why are they here: The Profs are just lacking at the moment. Lack experience, lack talent and lack money and resources to have a miraculous remaining two thirds of the season. All of us have been where the Profs are and eventually they’ll be up there with the contenders just not this year

14.) Vancouver Webs
Why are they here:
Pretty much the same reasons as the Profs

13.) CB Bethesdorf
Why are they here:
Here is where we get to some bizarre parts of the rankings. The Bethes were able to survive relegation last season but the have not improved enough to keep pace with the new Great 8. Now that can change but for now this team is looking to figure things out in interdivision play

12.) Mindless Zombies
Why are they here
: One simple word Rebuild. The Zombie Express basically called it at the end of last season: the departure of Thomas Freeman and Warner Acevedo was pretty much the entrance of the Zombies to Tankville. All teams have windows and the Zombies made a good run during theirs. For a lot of teams ranked higher this is what is waiting at the end of the rainbow.

11.) Chippewa Reds
Why are they here:
The Reds have adjusted better to division III than many expected. They are still lacking many things and are likely looking at relegation at the end of it all but they have the ability to make a run and scare some teams

10.) Shendong Golden Lions
Why are they here:
Bad luck. The Lions have a talented roster the problems is so do a good number of other teams in the Big Blue. If the Lions can fix a few tweaks like mainly turnovers and a bit of bench help, the Lions could end the season back in the playoffs

9.) Myopic Marauders
Why are they here
: One word: Depth. Pretty much the difference between the Marauders being on the outside looking in after the first seven is depth. They figure out this problem and the Big 8 playoff picture will look very different by game 20.

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323179.21 in reply to 323179.20
Date: 04/01/2024 14:54:08
San Dominica Warriors
Overall Posts Rated:
Power Rankings Part II

8.) Fort Wayne Pistons
Why are they here:
Yes Fort Wayne has two of the best scorers in the league, yes they’re good at blocking shots and yet at times it seems like the Pistons can’t get out of their own way. Now will this get worse or better going into interconference play will be the big question with them.

7.) Dragmort Dragons Utd
Why are they here
: Yes we know Fort Wayne has Jaen and Aranda and lead the league in blocked shot but the Dragons have “Pack Uzi” and the Dragons have won all the games they should win. Least for the time being

6.) Jumpstop Jumpers
Why are they here
: That is a good question. If this was March Madness the Jumpers being in this spot would raise some questioning. They don’t seem to do anything to make one go “Ooh shinny” on any side of the court. But they do win. Now will that be the case going in game 18 I cannot see but right now

5.) Retro Heat
Why are they here:
The Retro Heat struggled their first two games and since then have been on fire. Their efficiency have jumped since week 2. Right now they’ve figured out things the question is can they keep it going enough to go from good to dangerous.

4.) Super Sonics
Why are they here:
The Sonics have a pretty well balanced team and their ability to wreck on the boards on the offensive end is the major reason why they’re in this spot The Gulp have a better defense in my opinion why is why

3.) Big Gulp Incorporated
Why are they here
: Yeah I know why do the Big Gulp here over the Retro Heat when the Heat have definitely been turning it up the last five games. Answer: Defense. The Gulp have one the stingiest defenses in the league and with the exception of the Warriors and the Heat, have not let a team score over 70. In the long run so far I believe that will be the difference maker that put the Gulp over

2.) San Dominica Warriors
Why are they here:
At first it was the question of if the Warriors could fit to the changes that came to the Big 8 neighborhood but after seven games the Warriors are in the best position following the opening conference round ever since coming to the league. The reason is an all too familiar one to veteran teams of the league: the Warrior bench is so far the best bench in the league and a big reason for their 7-0 record

1.) Tasty Tardsicles
Why are they here:
Right now the Tards have the one thing that the Warriors do not at the moment and that’s a recent finals appearance. They’ve been an offensive juggernault the first round of conference play averaging just under 116 points per game. They haven’t been slouches on the defensive end either. The Tards have pretty much took up where they left off last season after winning the regular season and being the Great 8 representative in the finals. From this point the league title is theirs to lose, but things can change

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323179.22 in reply to 323179.21
Date: 04/02/2024 09:50:54
Retro Heat
Overall Posts Rated:
Big Gulp didn't play their starters when we faced each other. They were focusing on the cup. So agree with the standings. Keep up the good reads and stats! I believe the Big 8 is stronger than the Great 8. We shall see how these next series of games go.

This Post:
323179.23 in reply to 323179.21
Date: 04/02/2024 11:23:29
Jumpstop Jumpers
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Jumpstop Jumpers II
I only have 3 players, I should not be ranked this high 😂

This Post:
323179.24 in reply to 323179.19
Date: 04/02/2024 11:24:01
Jumpstop Jumpers
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Jumpstop Jumpers II
As for you, do not fret. I’m not going anywhere. I’m just coasting.

This Post:
323179.25 in reply to 323179.23
Date: 04/02/2024 14:52:03
San Dominica Warriors
Overall Posts Rated:
I know you only have three players!

Whole league knows you only have three players.

Issue is you 5-2 and in 3rd place. What was I suppose to do? LOL

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323179.26 in reply to 323179.25
Date: 04/02/2024 23:12:04
I'm ducking out of inter inference competition. I'd rather save 88k a week.

This Post:
323179.27 in reply to 323179.25
Date: 04/09/2024 20:01:47
San Dominica Warriors
Overall Posts Rated:
I’m Charles Sanborn. Here with me are Hunt, the legend himself Bret Rodrigues, the original San Dominican, Stuart Wilson, and our own Samantha Walsh

Ok so, Warriors started off the season and 1st round of conference play undefeated, 7-0. Since then 0-2. Should we be concerned or is this just one of those things

Nah, hmm not yet. The Warriors played two good teams. The Tards are probably favored to win the whole thing. The Super Sonics are no walkovers so no, just two losses that hey they happen.

Yeah I’m with Bret. The Warriors played two good teams, unfortunately came out with two losses. However there are concerns coming out of those two losses

Yeah, I was wondering which of you were going to bring up the issues. So Sam speaking of issues what did you see is the main issue

One of the highlights the first seven games was the Warrior’s bench. Last two games the bench has been stagnant to say the least.

See I don’t think the bench is to blame. To be honest, those two were bad coaching and a starting five relying too much on a bench to bail them out.

Now the good thing is there’s still time. We’re not at the doomsday hour yet. I think these are just two losses that occurred and the Warriors will turn things around by the time the 2nd round of conference play begins again.

You don’t have to go undefeated, you just have to do enough to make the playoffs and THEN go undefeated. I think tonight we start to see the Warriors make some adjustments.

They only have three players but they have more wins than losses

I think the Warriors get back on the winning track tonight

Not if they keep playing right into the other team’s strengths

We’ll be right back

This Post:
323179.28 in reply to 323179.27
Date: 04/24/2024 11:02:06
Big Gulp Reincarnated
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The vilEliminators
Nothing wrong with losing to the Supersonics on the road

This Post:
323179.29 in reply to 323179.27
Date: 04/30/2024 20:01:23
San Dominica Warriors
Overall Posts Rated:
I’m Charles Sanborn here at the studio with Hunt, the legendary Brett Rodrigues, & Double D. Samantha Walsh and Pete are currently @ The Track where the Warriors will take on the Pistons of Fort Wayne. All right, Warriors currently on a 5 game winning streak since losing two straight.

Yeah, the Warriors started interconference play with losses to the Tards and the Supersonic. Two losses that you probably can’t really hold against the Warriors too much, both are tough teams. The Tards a favorite along with the Warriors to win the whole thing and the Supersonics are always tough at home. But since then five straight wins that have the Warriors now in double figures in the win column and hopefully to add one more before going into the home stretch.

Last game against the Mindless Zombies was a bit of a scare. Both Etienne Blanchet and Big Turk went down in that game along with Dirk East. However neither of the three held long term injuries.

Look I just want to say the Mindless Zombies need to change their names to the Mindless Thugs. That was completely uncalled for Saturday night. There should have been more than just fouls. There should have been fines, suspensions …

I don’t think any of those injuries were intentional. It was just basketball. The Warriors were going to pound the ball inside because that was the weak spot. The Zombies were not going to let the Warriors just pound the ball inside and unfortunately you end up with what happened to Big Turk.

I’m with DD. Granted as a Warrior fan three people went down that you don’t want going down at this point of the schedule. Especially given how the homestretch starts off. But fouls were called, fortunately there were no major injuries involved, the thing is despite losing two starters the Warriors still won by 33 points so nah I can’t hold a grudge. Even if one of those injuries would have been a two to three week injury I mean that’s why depth is so important because if you take the floor it’s only one bad dice roll of chance for you to end up with the situation the Warriors ended up with Saturday night.

Mindless Zombies are in a rebuild mode right now. Fort Wayne, have a bit of a more open window in terms of playoff hopes and why not when you have two scorers like Aranda and Jaen. Major task Stephenson is gonna have in trying to contain them. What do you do?

Trust in the reputation that you have built. In III.11, Warriors are looked upon as one of the best defensive teams. You trust that your guards can at least contain Aranda and Jaen enough that at the end of the forty minutes your team has more points than they do

I think DD has it right. If you’re looking to shut down Aranda and Jaen, good luck because no one in the league has been able to make that happen, but you can contain both of them. Maybe if you’re lucky you can shut down one, but you’re not shutting down both. I think the Warriors of course go with the high speed, tire those starters out, make ‘em work where exhaustion is your sixth defender on the floor and hopefully end of forty minutes like DD said, you have more points on your side of the scoreboard than the Pistons

The Warriors have to make shots early on. This needs to be one of those game where Ranger Granja and Ali Baba go on a three minute tear where they are hitting everything from where spot they touch the ball. This game cannot be a nitty gritty kind of affair early on. Aranda and Jaen are too dangerous a duo to allow to stick around. Making this solely a defensive game will burn the Warriors on this one. Least that’s my take.

At the Track, they are gearing up for tipoff. Warriors, Pistons. Final Interconference game. We’ll give you the starting lineups when we return.

From: TTS

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323179.30 in reply to 323179.22
Date: 05/11/2024 20:20:51
Big Gulp Reincarnated
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The vilEliminators
Down go the Heat
