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Season 47

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From: MP5
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301005.14 in reply to 301005.12
Date: 8/24/2019 6:04:28 AM
Hard Ball Gets
Overall Posts Rated:
Ugh. What a BS end to a BS game.

There were significant stretches where I was getting utterly shafted by the GE. 12-2 to start the 3rd?!

Look at those match ratings, look at those PP100. Overall I think I got pretty darn unlucky.

Just feel like the loss would be easier to take if there weren't multiple stages throughout the game it felt the GE had it out for me. You run those numbers through 100 games and I probably win 60+. It's not that unlikely that Jay wins so I guess I can't be too disappointed. Just so frustrating to see not only Nayyar (who was being guarded by a 160k beast btw) but others hit three after three, and I can't seem to get the same my way.

Won 4/5 positions on the PP100, and the one I lost I call major BS on as well ... How does a 160k SG get a 59 PP100??!! Nayyar is a wonderful player, the main difference between him and Cornelius though is that Nayyar is more salary efficient. Given the choice to have either on my team I'd pick Nayyar in a heartbeat for that reason, but having to choose between the two for a one-off do-or-die game it's honestly a toss up.

The two main problems with my team were my passing on my PG (which couldn't be helped due to training consideration) and using PTB. The idea behind PTB was to kind of mitigate the low PA Whitney has ... Maybe it just doesn't work that way :S also, more and more convinced PTB is literally the worst offence in BB (isolations not considered). It's stupidly overrated.

Congrats Jay, must be exciting to pull that off, forgive me for getting frustrated and venting after that one. Whitebeard better watch out because I think my team will come out furious on Tuesday.

From: Jay (OTT)

To: MP5
This Post:
301005.15 in reply to 301005.14
Date: 8/24/2019 7:53:15 AM
Kira Kira Koseki
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Yubi Yubi
I completely understand what you're saying in regards to balanced offences being rubbish, Patient mismatch trick aside. I feel like, enthusiasm screwjob aside, our U21 team dropped the ball by going Patient without a mismatch against Colombia too. Hence, we got burned for it because balanced offences just don't seem to work unless you're the stronger team beyond doubt, in which case you could win with any offence.

I had Hawkins guarding the SG spot but you're right, only 17 OD on that position shouldn't have locked down the #1 scoring threat of your team.

Last edited by Jay (OTT) at 8/24/2019 7:54:01 AM

From: Mundy
This Post:
301005.16 in reply to 301005.15
Date: 8/31/2019 6:29:07 AM
High School Drop-outs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Pre-school Brawlers
Finalists determined in the Great 8 already?

From: ezlife

This Post:
301005.17 in reply to 301005.16
Date: 9/7/2019 10:21:12 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Meanwhile, the best team in the league is sitting at the bottom of its conference...

From: MP5

This Post:
301005.18 in reply to 301005.17
Date: 9/7/2019 10:48:29 AM
Hard Ball Gets
Overall Posts Rated:
@Mundy possibly. Certain games that I thought were 50-50 (or maybe slightly better in my favour) haven't gone my way. Tough to make up 3 games and PD.

@ezlife - best by what metric? Combined salaries of starting 5 is one thing (one of which was only just bought) ... salary isn't everything. If you were going by win/loss, then no they're the worst in their conference :P

This Post:
301005.19 in reply to 301005.17
Date: 9/7/2019 7:04:42 PM
Kira Kira Koseki
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Yubi Yubi
I appreciate the compliment :P

In all seriousness though my inability to find someone reasonably priced on the market to get me back to the salary floor bit me hard against Faberge. They kamikazed successfully and now I need a really good inter-conference leg to avoid an automatic relegation.

From: Mundy
This Post:
301005.20 in reply to 301005.19
Date: 9/7/2019 8:21:55 PM
High School Drop-outs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Pre-school Brawlers
@ezlife God, I am in a bit of bother aren't I. I don't want to go back to Div 2. I couldn't be bothered trying to work out what to change my arena prices to.

@Jay Same here. I copped an injury on the eve of the season then there has been no value in the market

Tough loss last night in OT against HA and have HA again in the Cup. Not my season

This Post:
301005.21 in reply to 301005.20
Date: 9/10/2019 8:06:33 PM
Kira Kira Koseki
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Yubi Yubi
Come on BB lead that grew as high as 16, at home... and I lose!?

From: PhilJax
This Post:
301005.22 in reply to 301005.21
Date: 9/13/2019 7:24:29 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Anyone have a clue why I'm struggling to win a game ... because I sure as hell don't.

From: MP5

This Post:
301005.23 in reply to 301005.22
Date: 9/14/2019 1:15:39 AM
Hard Ball Gets
Overall Posts Rated:
@PhilJax ... Couple reasons. Firstly this is the best league in Australia, so naturally it's going to be the most competitive and toughest, you gotta give it credit. But looking at your team and how you do in games ... I notice you have a very high salary starting 5, but not a lot of backup after that. That can be a successful strategy (most top B3 teams I've seen seem to do that) but that's based around very high stamina and heavy minutes for those salary beasts (and I don't know for certain, but I'm guessing a fair bit of GS training).

But your biggest problem is a surprisingly low amount of OD, your perimeter defence ratings are not as high as they should be. And with OD being the best skill in the game, I'm guessing that's costing you.

That's just from a quick look at your team through the team stats page of buzzer-manager, beyond that you'd need more specific questions and to offer more detail for a more specific answer.

For an example from my own past teams, I once had a SG with about 120k salary who was a scoring beast, I think he might have come second in the MVP vote one season when I made it to the ABBL finals. However his big downside was only having 15 OD ... 15 is far too low for someone defending the 1, 2 or 3 in this league (well maybe 3, matchup depending ... But you'd also need great ID too).

This Post:
301005.24 in reply to 301005.22
Date: 9/14/2019 6:46:51 AM
Aussie Pride
Overall Posts Rated:
A 2 week injury for your starting PG won't help. Ouch.
