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BB España > Ascenso directo a III

Ascenso directo a III

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From: iavitxu

This Post:
297320.11 in reply to 297320.9
Date: 01/13/2019 15:17:04
Overall Posts Rated:
A ver si subes a mi conferencia que siempre se agradece un tankeador desde el principio jajaja

This Post:
297320.12 in reply to 297320.8
Date: 01/20/2019 10:47:38
CD Numancia
Overall Posts Rated:
baskoniaSAD +746 g1
CD Numancia +1098 g5
Castañazo +892 g7
CB Vallekas +1010 g10
Shanghai Loco People +906 g13
Trapaga S.B. +1006 g14
New York Giiants +916 g15
In the middle of nowhere +801 g19
JASA TEAM +993 g20
Garaioak +784 g21
tanga boys +811 g24
Voramar +805 g28
estudiantes_23 +937 g30
Lechon United +629 g32
Basket La Resaca +1080 g33
CB Cordogueño +715 g34
Green Bay Knicks +959 g37
Ocean Club +887 g38
Alvarez team +1035 g43
Os Cabaleiros +887 g45
Columbo Boys +905 g47
C.B.HINOJOS +882 g52
Laudiolimpiakos +1083 g53
Jabulani +868 g59
Algeciras +984 g62
Starks Elvens +655 g63

23 de 26 han pasado a la final.

This Post:
297320.13 in reply to 297320.12
Date: 01/28/2019 17:16:31
CD Numancia
Overall Posts Rated:
baskoniaSAD +746 g1
CD Numancia +1098 g5
Castañazo +892 g7
CB Vallekas +1010 g10
Shanghai Loco People +906 g13 Subió uno con 12-10 xd
Trapaga S.B. +1006 g14
New York Giiants +916 g15
In the middle of nowhere +801 g19
JASA TEAM +993 g20
Garaioak +784 g21
tanga boys +811 g24
Voramar +805 g28
estudiantes_23 +937 g30
Lechon United +629 g32
Basket La Resaca +1080 g33
CB Cordogueño +715 g34
Green Bay Knicks +959 g37 Perdió por 1 punto en el tercero
Ocean Club +887 g38
Alvarez team +1035 g43
Os Cabaleiros +887 g45
Columbo Boys +905 g47
C.B.HINOJOS +882 g52
Laudiolimpiakos +1083 g53
Jabulani +868 g59
Algeciras +984 g62
Starks Elvens +655 g63

18 de 26 han ganado. Un 70%.

This Post:
297320.14 in reply to 297320.13
Date: 01/30/2019 03:29:06
Overall Posts Rated:
Yo confirmo que he subido a III con 22-0 perdiendo playoff xD gracias por el seguimiento Carlos!!