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USA - III.7 > Season 30

Season 30

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266301.11 in reply to 266301.10
Date: 01/29/2015 05:50:09
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13. mitsubishi - our 2nd highest rated promotee already notched an impressive victory against the always dangerous bucsblue squad. they'll probably need to bring in 2 more starters to be considered a contender, but in order to avoid relegation, they'll also have to make moves. the first place they'll probably look is forward. manager tomasis14 has been around the block, since season 11, so he knows what's up. it wouldn't surprise me at all if they avoided relegation and became a factor in the near future, but this season is not that season, more than likely. good luck staying in the league fellas.

14. homeboyz - talk about an old-head, this guy has been around since season 8. not his first rodeo in d3, and he's been near promotion to d2 before. after a long road of painful finals losses in d4, he's finally back, and he knows enough to know that he'd better make a move if he wants to stay here. his most recent addition is a trainee, and even with a really nice win against bucsblue, the team makeup itself looks to be in threat of getting relegated. we'll see, of course. i wouldn't doubt if he has a mountain of cash stockpiled, and blew everyone's minds with the purchases in the near future.

15. dang88 - in no way do i mean to sound condescending, but it's honestly shocking he made it out of d4 with the lineup he had. it's a true testament to skill in management. making something out of nothing. that's impressive. i don't see his stay lasting too long, however. if he wants to stay up, there is so very much work he needs to do, and idk if he has the funds to do it all. if he is going to go for it, look for him to drop big bucks on a pf and a guard. a season 22 vet, 1 season less than myself, he has a lot of time to get back to d3 in the near future and make a real name for himself in a league that's hopefully a little less... well... viscious. seriously how many awesome teams are here? there's probably 4 teams here that would win half the other leagues. jesus guys, ease up eh?

16. snake river - they packed it in. i mean, i guess they might have the cash to reload this season, but most of it was spent snagging big name rookies in the transfer market, not to mention the money spent on the new expo. it was a good run in d3 for snake river, i'd bet the farm they make it back with a vengeance in the near future.

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266301.12 in reply to 266301.11
Date: 01/29/2015 12:31:32
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Frosty thats why you are AWESOME in this league. Love your write up brother! as you know i always like to throw my 2 cent in... but with my start i haven't been too eager to give thoughts. I appreciate the high ranking for me. We are 0-2 i did add some depth but to do so sold a HUGE player for me. however our weekly income is VERY high and we are making money quickly unlike i have the last 2 seasons... so we may not be done... what i will say about being in this league... I've won the regular season twice and have not won in the playoffs. So going all out early to get league wins isn't a priority. I think we are good enough to make the playoffs no matter what and once there then you gotta be rolling! lets hope that doesn't back fire on me!!!! ha

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266301.13 in reply to 266301.12
Date: 01/29/2015 12:33:12
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In more NON BucsBlue related post....

Lets begin to discuss our Preseason ALL III.7 TEAM!!!!!

Send in 1-2 players from your team you want nominated and then we will evaluate them and come up with a First team ALL III.7 and then 3 honorable mention players.

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266301.14 in reply to 266301.13
Date: 01/29/2015 12:34:03
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BucsBlue Nominates... Tommy Lee (Runner up for league MVP last year!) & Wilburn Marcus... (last season All star & Second team player last season.)

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266301.15 in reply to 266301.11
Date: 01/29/2015 13:27:29
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Great stuff, as always, Frosty! I'm not sold on my 2-0 start. More just a lucky schedule break.

That said, my only worthy nominee is Tremol. But I gotta rep my stat sheet filler Bowers, even though that includes the foul column.

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266301.16 in reply to 266301.13
Date: 01/29/2015 15:57:37
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Well, my team is sort of set up so the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, so there aren't really any stars on the team. My guess is the best season will be had my guards though, luitvickas and Montoya. Real quick personal preseason all-league team:

Pg - tommy lee Tompkins
Sg - Johnny Byers
Sf - Gaetan Gybels
Pf - remi bois
C - Marc tremol

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266301.17 in reply to 266301.16
Date: 01/29/2015 16:00:13
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last seasons league MVP Timothy Fischer takes offense to not being included! xD I'm kidding.

And yes, my finances are looking good and will be looking to make a big acquisition. I'm being patient this time around and not going to panic buy. My bench is shit, but that can easily be fixed.

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266301.19 in reply to 266301.17
Date: 01/29/2015 19:11:09
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Yeah I went back and forth between Fischer and Tompkins. It's the mvp vs the first runner up. One is preseason first team, the other preseason second team.

I figure you're going after a high quality sf, and probably a bench big. 15k range. You'll probably prefer pf as opposed to c. Juuuuuust guessing.

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266301.20 in reply to 266301.18
Date: 01/30/2015 09:14:27
New York Chunks
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Sherlock, you can't CT EVERY game! Oh, wait asecond. You can....

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!