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Salary Calculator for Chrome/Firefox

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242729.11 in reply to 242729.9
Date: 06/09/2013 22:59:08
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awesome! You rock.

Join the official USA offsite forum for helper tools, camaraderie and advice! ( – Builder of the Training Simulator: (229484.1) – Former host of the Golden Clam Invitational (
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242729.12 in reply to 242729.1
Date: 06/10/2013 04:53:17
Overall Posts Rated:
Nice tool. Just a few glitches: check out hall of fame-page and league page (league leaders), boxscores, maybe some other pages as well: the tool tries to calculate salaries of league leaders and players in hall of fame, even players salaries on boxscore-page. But there are no skills. Maybe you could exclude this pages?

Checked other pages as well and the salary prediction seems to be everywhere: economy, favorites...

Last edited by LA-Karangula at 06/10/2013 04:59:27

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242729.13 in reply to 242729.5
Date: 06/10/2013 05:18:18
Overall Posts Rated:
Uh what

Where did you get those "cap" and "skill points" on the bottom right corner? Is it another extension? :)

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242729.14 in reply to 242729.1
Date: 06/10/2013 06:01:39
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PS: todos mis post empiezan con un "Yo creo que..."
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242729.18 in reply to 242729.17
Date: 06/10/2013 11:24:44
Overall Posts Rated:
Bug?: In box scores of games, it tries to calculate the away team's team salary.

Loving this tool.

Also, great for surfing TL for young players. Have they been trained all season? Current salary vs. updated salary shows if they are worth a big price hike since the last person bought them or are they just selling rotting garbage?

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.
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242729.20 in reply to 242729.19
Date: 06/10/2013 17:11:19
Overall Posts Rated:
Good work. Thanks.
