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BB South Africa > U21 National Team Debate Thread

U21 National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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From: Sandy
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307378.2 in reply to 307378.1
Date: 12/18/2020 18:02:33
Durban AllStars
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A Warrior> If elected, will you talk with the current NT coach in order to train differently some high potential rookies for NT purpose? Have you already contacted him to work together?

From: A Warrior

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307378.3 in reply to 307378.2
Date: 12/18/2020 23:57:43
Knights of Autumn
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Thanks for the question, Sandy.

Yes, if I am elected, I would definitely be in touch with JuMax to determine long-term training plans for certain players, primarily those with higher potential. I have not yet connected with him about this yet though as I don't want to assume anything with this election so he and I have only had conversations about my South African trainees.

From a personal standpoint, I do understand this dynamic very well as I had to make the decision with my USA National Team player to train him in a way that would make him most effective for the NT but meant that he wouldn't be selected for the U21 team. This exact situation won't happen in South Africa as I'm sure those players will still be contributors to the U21 but their training would most likely look different in trying to get them to be the best possible player at 26-28 as opposed to 21. And for the record, I am also taking this development route with the South African trainees on my main team so that they become U21 contributors, though likely not stars, with a long-term goal of representing South Africa's National Team someday.

From: JuMax

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307378.4 in reply to 307378.3
Date: 12/19/2020 01:47:44
SallenĂ´ves GOATS
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SallenĂ´ves GOATS II
I am ready to scout and have been doing preliminary scouting already. I've been in touch with coachlambini to learn from his experience and understand the current talent in the pipeline. Additionally, since this past season, I have personally been compiling a database of all South African players under 21 as well as a database of opposing African players under 21 who have been posted on the transfer list.

How do you find this South African generation compared to other continental nations ? What tools do you use ?

From: A Warrior

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307378.5 in reply to 307378.4
Date: 12/19/2020 15:33:57
Knights of Autumn
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After a deeper look at this season's Continentals, I think South Africa is going to be right in the mix of the competition.
- On paper, Egypt would appear to be a favorite with a 103k C and a 57k PG(!) but it looks like they may be lacking in depth behind their superstars.
- Al Maghrib has both a handful of solid players and good depth.
- Nigeria and Senegal have a few strong players but their depth may also be lacking.
- South Africa has a star of our own in Mugabe, 3rd highest salaried U21 African player, though our depth behind him could use some work.

If elected, I would plan to look into things further. I also think the training of players during this season to build up the depth will be vital to the success of the team.

I have used the NT Scout Online tool to scout out opponents as well as tracking the South African pipeline. I also regularly run searches for U21 players in African countries that appear on the TL to track skills progression.

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307378.6 in reply to 307378.5
Date: 12/20/2020 10:09:46
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It all sounds good. You should be elected unless the other candidate wakes up and changes the story. :)

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307378.7 in reply to 307378.6
Date: 12/21/2020 19:51:43
Greensboro Generals
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As previously stated I wholly endorse A warrior. He came to me expressing interest in the position before last season, so he has the want to, and the know how. You will be in great shape my friends.