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BB USA > NBBA Promotion

NBBA Promotion

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From: lvess
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Date: 05/06/2019 21:08:18
Delaware 87ers
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What exactly are the tiebreakers for the 5th promotion slot (i.e. the best non-champion) from League II to the NBBA?

By my count my team had the best record and highest PD of all teams that was not a champion in League II last season, yet I did not get the 5th promotion slot.

What am I missing here?

From: Holocron

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299127.2 in reply to 299127.1
Date: 05/06/2019 21:24:49
U.K Nuggets
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Second Team:
U.K Nuggets II
It’s because you finished second in your conference. The game takes the team that’s 1st in their conference into higher consideration. That is why Rick Smits Clogs got it. 19-3 less PD but finished 1st and you finished second.

From: lvess

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299127.3 in reply to 299127.2
Date: 05/06/2019 21:33:26
Delaware 87ers
Overall Posts Rated:

The Game Manual doesn't mention anything about needing to be a division winner. All it says is the extra promotion slot will go to the team with the best regular season record. That implies record and PD.

From: Holocron

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299127.4 in reply to 299127.3
Date: 05/06/2019 21:43:50
U.K Nuggets
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
U.K Nuggets II
Game Manual is also outdated. I believe it was Marin who answered this very question a couple seasons back as well in the forums.

From: lvess

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299127.5 in reply to 299127.4
Date: 05/06/2019 21:56:08
Delaware 87ers
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That section of the Game Manual was clearly updated to address the change in promotion/demotion so if this was the rule then it should have been listed that way. Otherwise it looks like they are simply making it up as they go along.

Based on the way the rules are laid out in the Game Manual, it feels like my team got screwed out of a promotion.

Even more so since I finished sceond to the best team in all of League II last season while still having the 2nd best PD in all of League II.

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299127.7 in reply to 299127.2
Date: 05/07/2019 10:05:47
Greensboro Generals
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It’s because you finished second in your conference. The game takes the team that’s 1st in their conference into higher consideration. That is why Rick Smits Clogs got it. 19-3 less PD but finished 1st and you finished second.

Clogs??? In the show!?!? What? Huh? Really?

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299127.8 in reply to 299127.6
Date: 05/07/2019 12:55:40
Delaware 87ers
Overall Posts Rated:
That is simply absurd.

W-L record and PD are two things you have some control over. Who is in your league/conference you do not.

The non-champion promotion should be based on the data points a manager can control based on the strategic decisions they make (offense/defense strategies, GDP, TIE or CT, etc.).

Promotion should not be based on the bounces of the RNG determining who is in your league/conference.

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