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BB France > Nouveautés d'hier

Nouveautés d'hier

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From: Alcuin
This Post:
Date: 03/17/2018 14:00:41
Jambon Mogettes
Pro A
Overall Posts Rated:
Alors, qu'en pensez-vous ?

Mon avis perso:
Ignorer un utilisateur => super !
Stats NT => Intéressant
Détails des blessures => Peu voire pas d'intérêt...

Post de Global English: (292764.1)

The country overview and the NT overview pages have received a couple new boxes; our statisticians have been hard at work and, inspired by some incredible work by our managers (looking at you, Bballin) - we've added some interesting stuff to the pages. Mostly historical stuff, leaders in different categories sorted in different ways, but some of those might be interesting for the general public and I know a couple will surely be highly regarded - the ranking of NT coaches and similarly, the ranking of most successful managers per country. Check them out - see if you or your players made the leaderboards.

Injuries are a part of any sport, and so have they, some would say sadly, been included in BB too. So far, you never really knew which ailment subdued your players, but now you will know. Both historically (via the Injury Tracker) and currently, all injuries have revealed their cause: broken finger or back pain, or something else entirely, now you will know.

Ever had someone annoy you via their forum posts? A simple solution is to ignore them and that is exactly the feature we've just added. We hope this will prevent flames and overall further improve tone of forum discussions.

One last small addition: the "last online" indicator for managers not currently there on the team overview page.

We hope you'll like our new feature set! Enjoy!

Last edited by Alcuin at 03/17/2018 14:01:09

From: Mickpiet

This Post:
292775.3 in reply to 292775.1
Date: 03/17/2018 23:11:28
Toquey si Gauses
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Toquey si Gauses - CDF
Alors, qu'en pensez-vous ?

Mon avis perso:
Ignorer un utilisateur => super !

Ah non mais c'est même pas que c'est super, c'est que c'est l'évolution de l'année qui est demandée depuis belle lurette ça !
En tout cas ça fait plaisir

This Post:
292775.5 in reply to 292775.4
Date: 03/18/2018 14:11:32
Overall Posts Rated:
This Post:
292775.6 in reply to 292775.5
Date: 03/19/2018 10:38:11
Overall Posts Rated:
Du coup, on peut poster "celui qui lit ça est un con" et ça prend tout son sens !!!!


This Post:
292775.7 in reply to 292775.1
Date: 03/24/2018 21:59:54
Châtaigne Section Papi
Pro A
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Lieutenant de Louveterie
Détails des blessures => Peu voire pas d'intérêt...

Tres juste et surtout pas credible dans certains cas : 2 semaines pour un Nez Cassé alors qu'on a 1 semaine seulement
pour une déchirure musculaire , a retravailler

This Post:
292775.8 in reply to 292775.7
Date: 03/25/2018 04:27:00
Overall Posts Rated:
L'absence en cas d' "élongation musculaire" est de 2 semaines.