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USA - IV.41 > Old Friends, New Faces

Old Friends, New Faces

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Date: 01/20/2015 23:09:38
San Dominica Warriors
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Welcome to all the newcomers. I think all the new teams are in the Big 8. Did the Great 8 lose anybody on their side. Oh well good luck to everybody

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266758.2 in reply to 266758.1
Date: 02/04/2015 16:35:06
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So who is going to win the Big 8 this season?

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266758.3 in reply to 266758.2
Date: 02/05/2015 12:08:53
San Dominica Warriors
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Don't know. I would have said it was Louisville's time based on the team they had last year but they must have ran into some economic troubles or something since a lot of those scary players aren't on this year's squad. Might be able to give you a better guess after Sin and I play our first match

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266758.4 in reply to 266758.3
Date: 02/06/2015 08:51:02
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Yeah, I agree. I think Sin has added a few good players too. Reno also has a nice squad.

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266758.5 in reply to 266758.4
Date: 02/18/2015 09:37:10
San Dominica Warriors
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I think the question we should be asking is who is going to beat Georgia Tech. LOL That win over the Gamblers is as much a signature win as they come

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266758.6 in reply to 266758.5
Date: 02/18/2015 11:32:19
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Reno didn't put in his new player in his matchup versus Georgia Tech for some reason. I think Reno would have won that matchup had he done so.

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266758.7 in reply to 266758.6
Date: 02/18/2015 23:54:28
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I thought Reno was going to win that game. But I got lucky with the schedule. If Reno did not have to play Sinwell on the road earlier in the week, I would have probably lost.

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266758.8 in reply to 266758.6
Date: 02/19/2015 17:46:07
San Dominica Warriors
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Good point. Though I still think Georgia Tech has to feel good about their Any Given Sunday chances against these guys since they played at a more relaxed effort than Reno. Still leaves a lot of what ifs if both were playing at the same level which is all you can really ask for sometimes.

It just seems like this year the Big 8 has a bit more question marks than we did the last two seasons when it was like yeah the Cubes and the Nubesarehere are likely gonna be the ones coming out of our side.

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266758.9 in reply to 266758.8
Date: 02/19/2015 18:25:49
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I actually did play my new guy, but he was apparently jet lagged from the long flight that afternoon. Give all the credit to GT. You had a great strategy, and that roster is sneaky good. Just hope I can get one more crack at you this year.

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266758.10 in reply to 266758.9
Date: 02/24/2015 01:46:50
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Well there goes that. I knew I was playing dangerously with my incomplete roster and training schedule. Oh well. A lot of good players in your division.

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266758.11 in reply to 266758.9
Date: 02/24/2015 01:46:53
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Well there goes that. I knew I was playing dangerously with my incomplete roster and training schedule. Oh well. A lot of good players in your division.