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264884.2 in reply to 264884.1
Date: 11/11/2014 08:38:17
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and some kind of anarchy in the blue group... nearly every team with 4-3 or 3-4

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264884.4 in reply to 264884.3
Date: 03/31/2015 20:04:37
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Crazy!! The kind of game which totally kill the players shape.
Competition in our conference is really tough this year, still impossible to say who will make the PO and the PD.

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264884.6 in reply to 264884.5
Date: 04/01/2015 09:22:50
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Yes but it will not be easy for D29 to reach the 6th place. He has to win 2 out of his last three games, at least.

You are playing SQBB and Die Bocke, so you still have a chance to be in PO.

Should be ok for Jessze Team and me.
Big satisfaction because I didn't want to go down at the beginning of the season and I start the season with a 0-3. If it stays like that, the season would be a huge success for my team.

For the title, it will be hard to stop Kalisz Kings.

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264884.8 in reply to 264884.7
Date: 04/02/2015 09:07:27
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Thanks. We have the same the strategy, but I have been more lucky this season than you.
Really happy with the way that my stadium keep growing.
Big trouble for me when I play you this season: 2 wins for you. Hopefully, I will not play against you ^^.

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264884.9 in reply to 264884.8
Date: 04/20/2015 07:03:07
SOA Butchers
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Second Team:
SOA baby butchers
Saison 30 : Performances (par (

Meilleures performances collectives de la saison
Points : 2338 : die BÖCKE
Rebonds : 1205 : SOA suricates
Passes Décisives : 506 : die BÖCKE
Interceptions : 212 : Kalisz Kings
Contres : 218 : Team Answer3 II

Meilleures performances individuelles de la saison
Points : 62 : A. Brunovskis (die BÖCKE)
Rebonds : 30 : M. Leotsakos (SOA suricates)
Passes Décisives : 22 : D. Pokrajac (Gringo Stars)
Interceptions : 9 : M. Al-Mahmoud (Gringo Stars)
Contres : 7 : R. Zúñiga Ramírez (Delikates)

Meilleur 5 de la saison
Meneur : A. Brunovskis (die BÖCKE) (27.5 Points, 2.7 Rebonds, 4.6 Passes Décisives, 1.7 Interceptions, 0.7 Contres) : Efficacité : 25.9
Arrière : H. Kok Chuan (Gringo Stars) (32.4 Points, 3 Rebonds, 4 Passes Décisives, 1.1 Interceptions, 0.7 Contres) : Efficacité : 28.4
Ailier : Y. Eflatun (SQBB-FOREVER II) (19.3 Points, 7.4 Rebonds, 1.8 Passes Décisives, 1.9 Interceptions, 1.3 Contres) : Efficacité : 21.9
Ailier Fort : P. Brylak (SOA suricates) (24.6 Points, 15.4 Rebonds, 0.4 Passes Décisives, 1.2 Interceptions, 1.2 Contres) : Efficacité : 30.3
Pivot : M. Leotsakos (SOA suricates) (14.5 Points, 18.8 Rebonds, 1.5 Passes Décisives, 0.4 Interceptions, 1.5 Contres) : Efficacité : 25.6

MVP de la saison
P. Brylak (SOA suricates) (24.6 Points, 15.4 Rebonds, 0.4 Passes Décisives, 1.2 Interceptions, 1.2 Contres) : Efficacité : 30.3

La contre performance de la saison
C. Yimin (-Avalanche-) (10 Points, 5 Rebonds, 4 Passes Décisives, 1 Interceptions, 3 Contres) : Efficacité : -14

Triple-Double de la saison
T. Altiok (The Falling Whale) (30 Points, 17 Rebonds, 11 Passes Décisives, 3 Interceptions, 5 Contres), E. Marku (Delikates) (18 Points, 12 Rebonds, 12 Passes Décisives, 2 Interceptions, 0 Contres)

Statistiques en tout genre
Le joueur qui a oublié d'enlever ses moufles toute la saison : M. Leotsakos (SOA suricates) : 64 Balles Perdues

Le joueur ciblé par les arbitres toute la saison : A. Oza dos Ríos (SOA suricates) : 74 Fautes Personnelles

L'iron-man de la saison : P. Brylak (SOA suricates) : 891 Minutes

Le shooteur de la saison : H. Kok Chuan (Gringo Stars) : 111 Trois points

Le bon élève de la saison : A. Betrouni (Beast^.-), B. Šturm (Karateka Team), D. Vujin (Karateka Team), L. Violante (Kalisz Kings) : Note : 16.5

Le mauvais élève de la saison : R. Solomon (Karateka Team), R. Solomon (Karateka Team), R. Solomon (Karateka Team) : Note : 1.5