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Canada - III.9 > Season 23

Season 23

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Date: 03/08/2013 20:16:16
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Alright, boys (and girls?)! Season 23 kicks off tomorrow.

Congratulations to RA Blaze who promoted last season, and welcome to the new teams in III.9

The only rule is everyone has to crunch against MCBT in every game, so that hopefully he loses a couple of games and Black Tigers and I can pass him in the standings. LoL. Hopefully everyone has fun, and we can keep this forum a bit more active than it has the tendency of being.

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238221.2 in reply to 238221.1
Date: 03/09/2013 12:35:54
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Yo guys.

Thanks for time in D.III and I wish you guys the best of luck. Looks like I lucked out and got a pretty balanced D.II, no way in hell I'm promoting again this season, but looks like I have a good chance to make the playoffs or 5th spot atleast. My ranking jumped up huge after my Title Win, but I think I'm a little overrated right now.

I'm surprised MBCT didn't promote either, he was 22-0 in reg season and there were a few D.IIers that quit last season. He is still the team to beat, but I think Ravens and Tigers both have a good chance if you continue to make good roster decisions. I'll be paying attention to you guys this season and I'll still be around to help if you have any questions.

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238221.3 in reply to 238221.2
Date: 03/10/2013 00:51:57
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Welcome to season 23. Looking forward to beating you all JK. If your in great 8 then your lucky and if your in big 8 then your unlucky. Congrats to Ra Blaze(Calgary Stiflers) for winning last season. MBCT is the favorite to win this season but Toronto Ravens , Black Tigers and Viehnam United might have a chance. Well goodluck to everyone.

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238221.4 in reply to 238221.3
Date: 03/27/2013 16:05:43
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How's everyone feel about how season 23 has started off? It's AWFULLY quiet around here...

I'm where I wanted to be, as far as my W/L record goes, but I'm hoping I can maintain my pace now that I've blown up my team. I've already unloaded 6 players, working on dropping another 3. Hopefully I can get by Black Tigers this weekend, and by the time we do inter-conference, I'll have a solid squad on the court again.

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238221.5 in reply to 238221.4
Date: 03/28/2013 01:57:01
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Are you ready to lose on saturday. We have faced each other 3 times and i have beaten you twice. On saturday its going to be the third time. Are you excited. JK

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238221.6 in reply to 238221.5
Date: 03/30/2013 17:31:54
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Talk is cheap, homie. Tonights the night. We both know we only had one game last season when we both put in a real effort, and I came out on top in that one... :p

Good luck, man. It sucks that one of my top players is injured, but I think I have a decent enough line up to make it a fight.

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238221.7 in reply to 238221.6
Date: 03/30/2013 20:46:15
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There it is, 80-65 for the Toronto Ravens. Good game, looking forward to the rematch later in the season, and more than likely a third in the playoffs.

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238221.8 in reply to 238221.7
Date: 03/31/2013 02:10:00
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You got lucky. Congrats on winning the game. You deserve it.

From: dmytro
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238221.9 in reply to 238221.8
Date: 04/23/2013 17:00:35
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Alright so its the allstar break and im hosting for the record 3rd tme in this league (man, when will i get out). I just wan to congratulate everyone in the game / 3pt contest and wish them the best of luck!

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238221.10 in reply to 238221.8
Date: 04/25/2013 18:04:44
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Hey guys. Just stopping by to say hello. How's III.9 this season?

oh, and ibrahim, get ready to get spanked by my bench in our scrimmage.

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238221.11 in reply to 238221.10
Date: 04/26/2013 11:23:38
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Meh, season hasn't gone how I wanted it to yet. I had a decent cup run, but injuries have pretty much had me on the transfer list all season and torching gameshape to stay competitive. Now that I'm back to scrimmages, and I trained gameshape over the all star break, I should be able to start being a little more competitive.