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Draft (thread closed)

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From: ned
This Post:
Date: 03/26/2010 19:09:10
Freccia Azzurra
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Since season 1 the draft didn't satisfy users and if I remember well BBs too. 2 seasons ago I knew to be relegated cause I wanted to do that so I've invested money in scouts. Well, my best drafted was a 19yo potential MVP, last season I've invested less money and of course the players drafted aren't players but human waste. I tried to saw in these 2 seasons if someone else had better luck in my divisions but I didn't find anyone, it means that no one player worthed a lot of money on the market. At the end for me it is sure that:

1. Draft = random
2. Money invested are wasted
3. Not all the divisions can see one perennial all star
4. There are teams that receives a gift of 3m cause they're soo lucky to pick a good player

This draft not should but must be changed

1990-2022 Stalinorgel -
From: Foto

To: ned
This Post:
137631.2 in reply to 137631.1
Date: 03/26/2010 19:18:04
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Could you please add this post to the discussion about the draft in this thread: (137519.1)
I think it's better to have only one thread at the same time
