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Suggestions > Prediction weakening casual teams

Prediction weakening casual teams

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267589.7 in reply to 267589.6
Date: 02/06/2015 00:24:44
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Actually you give me a better idea now~

Teams could build 'synergy' or 'familiarity' over the season. Basically every time you run the same tactic, they get better at it. This would be realistic....well probably wouldn'T work in BB...

No, Hattrick and numerous other sports sims gave you that idea. It isn't new.

BTW, if you're going to try to solve a problem, first you're going to have to find a problem. Not make one up, find an actual problem. Hint: look at training.

Last edited by Mike Franks at 02/06/2015 00:30:32

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267589.10 in reply to 267589.9
Date: 02/06/2015 14:02:26
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Guess who was instrumental in opening up training 2 seasons ago. You'r talking to him.
Maybe later I will link you to the post that got it all started....

Kudos. They have a long way to go to remodel training. Maybe they still need encouragement.

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267589.12 in reply to 267589.5
Date: 02/07/2015 15:14:32
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If we have a reliable way to set a defense against LI, like a functional 2-3 zone, then letting LI cookie cutters double down would not be an issue.

I think there is a more reliable way to set defense against LI. We do have a more functional 2-3 zone now. More functional than ever before in my opinion.

From BB-Marin's Ask a BB Day Thread:

Do you think that defensive strategies are balanced enough? Many top teams uses MtM all the time, and ever the zone defensiive tactics (3-2 and 2-3) are uncommon in the most important matches. Many strategies (1-3-1, box and one, pressing) are not helpful anywhere. Are there any chances to change that? If yes, how?

We already changed it a bit, but users haven't noticed yet. We are tweaking the game engine little by little, because we don't want to make anything too strong on the other end (remember when everyone was using R&G and Pressing?). I guess this makes us a bit overly careful and seemingly slow but we prefer not to make any game breaking changes. Of course, we cannot reveal the details of these changes for the same reason. It takes time, knowledge and patience to achieve balance.

I believe last season if not the last few season 2-3 and 3-2 zones have been made more effective. I specifically noticed this in U21 NT play. This is a pretty interesting game:

And some other ones
(31550) PtB vs LI (with some GDP stuff) PtB wins the final
(31227) 3-2 zone working successfully against a Serbia team that played Normal vs TIE
(31231) Not as convincing as we used more effort and had GDP but still should throw it in there.

Maybe 2-3 and 3-2 are still not as effective as they could be against offenses (LI specifically) but they are certainly more effective. Since GDP was introduced for the U21 NT Worlds Tournament this has been the difference:

In season 25 and 26 between the 12 offenses run for the semifinals and finals, all but 1 were LI (11 LI, 1 LP).

In season 27 and season 29 the offenses for the semifinals and finals (12 offenses) the distribution has been much different.
LI- 4
LP- 2
II- 1
BO- 3
Patient- 1
PtB- 1

And for both Worlds the best LI team has not won the tournament. This is why I like GDP and think zones have become more beneficial to use and are seemingly stronger as of late.

BB prediction is not realistic because of what it requires from the offense to beat it. The solution to people knowing what you are going to do offensively is not adopting a brand new strategy. Its just getting better in general/adding a few new plays.

This is true but implementing new plays and smaller changes seems very difficult and it is also not realistic that every single high level team in the world would adopt the same strategy of LI. GDP and zones help switch things up and cause coaches to think more about game play and strategy which is the ultimate goal in my opinion.

Sorry for my long response, but I think you of all people can handle long messages. ;)

Kind regards.

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