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294450.243 in reply to 294450.236
Date: 05/31/2019 13:28:57
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With gym lvl 3, trainer lvl 6, youth trainer level 6 or 7 I feel pretty confident I will get around 25 pops in the first season for the 18yo trainees.

I've had 6 pops in 4 weeks on single position training for one guy including basically 3 consecutive pops in PA (l didn't but it was so close that in the 4th week PA popped from CT). That should not have happened with 5/7/5 (HA/DR/PA) even with a lvl 7 trainer and the guy had imperfect minutes (47 and 46 in the last 2 weeks). Considering minutes missed and level of trainer, he should have been .3 or more away from that last PA pop even assuming 5.99 starting point.

The other trainee had 3 pops in 2 weeks again on single position training. I'll tell you what happens when I start training 1v1.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 05/31/2019 16:00:29

This Post:
294450.245 in reply to 294450.244
Date: 05/31/2019 16:00:05
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14901490 Not gonna give you the rest of the inside skills but there was a pop on CT which is irrelevant to the PA discussion and I don't want to give away his inside skills (this guy is in the C formula even after the PA pops) lol...

I miscounted: it was 6 pops in 4 week as I initially wrote not 7 (I got confused thinking it was 6+the CT pop). The 48 of the 3rd week was really 47.5 and 46 of the 4th week was 46.0 (he missed almost exactly 2 minutes)

Edit: I amended the first post to reflect the 6 not 7 pops.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 05/31/2019 16:16:57

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294450.247 in reply to 294450.246
Date: 05/31/2019 16:11:28
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yes note that on the third PA pop he really had no elastic pull. And also remember that when he didn't pop in week 3 I had to settle for a lvl 4 trainer and he had subpar minutes, so I fully expect that with a lvl 6 and 48+ he would have popped three times in a row.

The alternative is that the CT impact from the gym is more than we thought and maybe it's boosted by the youth trainer.

In any case I went for 18yo trainees on the very assumption that the boost of both youth trainer and gym would be brutal (for 2 seasons)

Last edited by Lemonshine at 05/31/2019 16:19:13

This Post:
294450.249 in reply to 294450.248
Date: 05/31/2019 16:30:56
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I'm saying 25 because his 1v1 total training should be ca. 1.30 with a lvl 7 trainer, but I'd be jubilant with 21, I won't lie.

but logically: 14 weeks * 1.2 training speed * 1.25 (assumes the overall impact is 25% which would be quite high, but not completely bollocks) = 21 "true" skill increase. So the number of pops comes down to sublevels.

In any case, it's early days. I can report at the end of their 2nd season on ow many pops I got on both 18yo trainees.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 05/31/2019 16:34:43
