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Nations of Europe - I.1 > Season 61

Season 61

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From: Yupinieca

To: Eddy
This Post:
318757.17 in reply to 318757.16
Date: 05/23/2023 21:16:18
Virtus Floriana
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Second Team:
Malta Crusaders
It seems that some people are living beyond their means

From: Budi
This Post:
318757.18 in reply to 318757.17
Date: 05/24/2023 04:10:54
Overall Posts Rated:
Injury season started, one injury yesterday, OT and lost by 1, cool

I’m also down a lot on court and shop income wtf!

Gonna be a tough season for me!

Last edited by Budi at 05/24/2023 04:11:18

From: JoviLux

To: Eddy
This Post:
318757.20 in reply to 318757.19
Date: 05/24/2023 12:11:14
The Brick Squad
Overall Posts Rated:
100k-140k loss per week is a SEVERE readjustment. What kind of ''bug'' was affecting our leagues? How did it affect us and why has it only now been adressed after x seasons? Why was there no communication concerning this particular change besides the game engine? A change like this is having a dramatic influence on the long term planning of most top teams.

100k used to be the average in the SECOND league (should be 50k-70k right now) this is a slap to the face.

Now, I won't argue that reaching close to 1M revenue per week wasn't nice, and that before the Nations of Europe project, I used to be very happy with a max 900k revenue. But such a sudden change is just a bad move by the staff. If I had known that ''starting in Season X'' or ''in 2 seasons'' a readjustment to the merchandise is planned, I wouldn't have done certain business moves for my own team a couple of weeks ago.

From: JoviLux

To: Eddy
This Post:
318757.22 in reply to 318757.21
Date: 05/24/2023 13:21:15
The Brick Squad
Overall Posts Rated:
I see that I raised similar points like you did a month ago.

Oh well, now that Justin has fixed this by simply comparing the revenues of other D1 nations, without taking into consideration the disadvantages of Nations of countriesm we can all agree that there are no remaining big picture problems whatsoever.

(Sarcasm out)

From: Budi
This Post:
318757.23 in reply to 318757.22
Date: 05/25/2023 06:19:42
Overall Posts Rated:
Well, timming is not the best

What I don't understand is why I only receive 72k when league average is 129k.

From: JoviLux

To: Eddy
This Post:
318757.25 in reply to 318757.24
Date: 05/25/2023 13:38:36
The Brick Squad
Overall Posts Rated:
I'm also wondering whether the salary floors and the TV contracts also have had an influence on this? If TV contracts are calculated based on the average salary across the whole league, then it should also be lowered starting next saison as the calculations depend on it?

So we ll end up losing even more money next season. Potentially stabilizing the revenues again in 2 seasons.

I can't believe that I'm relieving through another financial crisis in Europe again, this time online
