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BB Donations

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Date: 05/10/2019 13:30:07
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At the moment we have $2,657.02 donations in BB for advertisement purposes, which were received in the past few years. I think that's a pretty low number, thats basically around 850$ per year (let's say that donations are here from 2016 on).

Why don't people invest/donate more? I understand not all of us have money, but c'mon, 10-20$ can't be that hard.

From: E.B.W.

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299611.2 in reply to 299611.1
Date: 05/10/2019 13:54:25
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I can't speak for everyone, but frankly If I'm going to put money into BB, I will actively buy supporter as I did for 2-3 years before I became busy with college. Supporter is a bit pricy in my opinion, but helps BB and I plan on buying supporter again very soon.

I think that the goal should be to get more people wanting to buy supporter rather than trying to get people to donate. In the big scheme of things, there are not that many users that have supporter from the entire BB community.

If we simply get 100 more people to buy a full year of supporter for BB, that is $3,000 and already eclipses what all the donations have been.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
From: DavidM96

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299611.3 in reply to 299611.2
Date: 05/10/2019 14:12:03
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Yes, I agree with this. But what worries me is where is all the money for future investments going (with this I mean the money we pay for supporter + donations)? I was hoping they would start making an app, because in todays world they need an app for BB asap, but they are still waiting and waiting... which is really bad, because they could get much more people and money if they develop an app..

Last edited by DavidM96 at 05/10/2019 14:13:44

From: E.B.W.

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299611.4 in reply to 299611.3
Date: 05/10/2019 15:58:21
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An App is currently in the process of being made. I would expect the app to come out within the next two-three seasons at the latest, but I also dunno how long it takes to make an app.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
From: DavidM96

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299611.5 in reply to 299611.4
Date: 05/10/2019 16:03:47
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Thats amazing. I really hope they we will get more people to play the game in the future through the app.

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299611.6 in reply to 299611.2
Date: 05/17/2019 13:19:26
The LA Lions
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If I buy a prepaid visa for $30 is that enough for the paypal option or is there a fee?

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299611.7 in reply to 299611.6
Date: 05/17/2019 14:05:46
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The PayPal option I believe you can just input your credit or debit card directly. That's what I did at least. You shouldn't have to buy a separate card for it.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
From: Apex

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299611.8 in reply to 299611.5
Date: 05/22/2019 13:25:16
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Second Team:
The reason why people aren't playing the game is because to fully develop a top quality player takes 3 years of real life. It doesn't really matter if they had $20,000. People will join, pump the user base back up to 60k like it was before, and people will realize they need so long to develop a new player and leave.

Sadly, I don't have a fix to this solution. Devs don't have a fix to this solution. It's how the game was structured some 12 years ago and hasn't changed a bit. I don't know of another game where progress is so slow, this requires a patient userbase. Sadly in this era we all want a new 2K or madden game every year and we want fast player development. Thats not possible on BB, so people leave.

Advertising won't change much, some people will stick around, but the majority will leave.

2x NBBA Champion: S55, S56. 3x USA Cup Champion: S54, S55, S56. WR for longest home streak ever at 11 in Season 47.
This Post:
299611.9 in reply to 299611.8
Date: 05/22/2019 15:48:28
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Second Team:
Vilkiukai II
4X pace separate server would be a good solution; 4weeks a season. It is still alot. I could do 16X pace

Last edited by Vilkai [LTU NT] at 05/22/2019 15:48:47

From: E.B.W.

To: Apex
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299611.11 in reply to 299611.8
Date: 05/22/2019 17:31:32
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I think that is part of the fun. I wouldn't give a single crap about training players if it didn't take any time or effort. The process and having the same players for many seasons is what makes this game fun and what makes this game realistic. To end that aspect of the game would be an absolute f***ing shame.

I can promise you if BB switches to training players are 3x speed than what they are right now, everyone would start creating 21 year old monsters and I would probably leave. I love that BB rewards managers who have patience and have a process.

It also doesn't take 3 years. I assume you are talking about training a HOF player for the NT from 18 years of age. That is the only thing that makes sense with your timeline. Every season is roughly 3 months. So you are talking about doing 12 seasons of training, which implies you are training someone until they are 30. Hardly anyone does that.

To create and train a player that can start in D.II or D.I you really only need to train them for about 7 seasons, not 12. Sure you can always make them better, but at age 25-26, if you have trained them well, they should be able to start or at least play substantial minutes in the NBBA.

You can train a player that can start in D.III in the USA in 3 seasons. Many of the 21 year old U21 NT players could start in D.III and be a role player/start in D.II by the age of 22-23. When you look at it that way, I think the training process makes sense.

This is not a game for people who want the same speed as 2k. BB doesn't need to change their identity. They just need to advertise more and reach more people who love the manager styled aspect, and I know there are plenty of people out there who do love BB and would love BB if they knew about the site.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs