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From: pete
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Date: 09/15/2013 06:17:04
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Seems like one of the toughest seasons to come, especially if no one tanks.

Welcome to the new team.

WA who has been here before and won the title a few times.

HA whom has also been here and knows what it all about.

WE now welcome two new comers; Peace n Roll, and Whopas Donkeys. Both Abbl ready, but will they try and survive. I do hope so, as it will make it a very tough season for all.

Good luck all, and well done to PI (last seasons champs), may the best win.

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247423.2 in reply to 247423.1
Date: 09/15/2013 06:46:06
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For those of you who havent read the II.3 forum,

I can put all your minds at ease and assure you that HA is a franchise that is totally committed to having a primary focus on the training and development of 3 young Aussie SF prospects.

Good luck to everyone in season 25

Last edited by Sid Vicious at 09/15/2013 06:50:16

From: ezlife

To: pete
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247423.3 in reply to 247423.1
Date: 09/15/2013 09:49:25
Overall Posts Rated:

It took me a lot of effort to get past some challenging teams like BHB and awesome^. I believe my team is ready to take the next step and I have no intention to tank or anything close to that. I have thought about an ideal timing and I'm coming here at the right moment. I know a lot of managers tend to underestimate my team but I learned how to get the best out of my players.

I'd like to give credit to a long time buzzerbeater mate, choo-choo, who has not only drawn me the path to ABBL a few seasons ago but facilitated my promotion this season and given me some precious advices when it mattered most.

Good luck to everyone, I'm definitely looking forward to competing on the big stage.

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247423.4 in reply to 247423.2
Date: 09/15/2013 10:18:33
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It's always handy to have one of the best accountants promoting at the same time as your team when it comes to setting the ticket prices for the following season =)))

From: yodabig

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247423.5 in reply to 247423.4
Date: 09/15/2013 11:07:31
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Going to be three of us IV.7 alumni in the ABBL next season. It has to be the most prestigious division IV now.

From: ezlife

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247423.6 in reply to 247423.5
Date: 09/15/2013 11:10:27
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and we all used to play against each other, didn't we?

From: yodabig

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247423.7 in reply to 247423.6
Date: 09/15/2013 11:14:30
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Correct, just need to get ezyfrag and possum pete up here as well.

From: ezlife

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247423.8 in reply to 247423.7
Date: 09/15/2013 11:32:59
Overall Posts Rated:
This could take a while :p

From: Xerxes

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247423.9 in reply to 247423.8
Date: 09/15/2013 19:36:29
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Win in your first season or you are weak.

We do not know what "tank" means but we will have to cut costs for a while until we get back to a positive bank balance. We prey to Allah for a home game this week or things could get difficult..

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247423.10 in reply to 247423.9
Date: 09/15/2013 20:59:05
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We do not know what "tank" means

Well some people might incorrectly interprete 3 more seasons of single position training (following on from the previous 4 seasons) as tanking.

Its not but the reality is that it will be pretty much impossible to be competitive in the ABBLthis coming season whilst single position training 3 young SFs

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247423.11 in reply to 247423.10
Date: 09/16/2013 13:04:37
Aussie Pride
Overall Posts Rated:
And the Number 1 pick is an MVP.