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Point Guards debate thread

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Date: 03/31/2008 09:10:14
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196196 im shaping my PG's they are flicking between favoured position SF & PG.. i think because as OD increases so does ID and also if Passing/Handling is lower than JS then again you get the switch in favoured position to SG or SF.

My q. is do PG's also defend inside and is ID useful? if not then i guess the next question is would a player under 6ft 2 cut it as a SF?

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22017.2 in reply to 22017.1
Date: 03/31/2008 13:58:02
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Hmm I don't think PG's use a lot of inside defense, mainly because they defend the other PG most of the time, and they won't be that much inside I think. Maybe only when they make drives to the basket.

6ft2 as a SF might be a problem to train him at inside skills, but I think it's possible. Otherwise just don't pay attention anymore to his inside skills and just make a guard out of it. But it's hard to say.

PS. Gratz on your prefix ;)

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22017.3 in reply to 22017.2
Date: 03/31/2008 19:54:53
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hey - cheers!

Ok - cos my theory is that this is one of those skills that definitely cant hurt to have...
My current PG's worse stat is IS. Yet he seems to drive to the paint quite frequently with success and scores.... i assume if he is being marked by an opposing PG with decent ID then this could prevent some of the points my PG is getting... I read somewhere that the team ratings dont give the complete picture (or dreamt it!) and that you can have for example a great ID but if the opposing guards have great IS then this wont be reflected in the match ups and can lead to a potential surprise as these stats are 'hidden' and difficult to scout...

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22017.4 in reply to 22017.3
Date: 03/31/2008 20:46:53
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It's prudent to assume that no skills are wasted on players and that all have benefits. Anything that makes it harder for your opponents to score, eg. shotblocking on a PG, is objectively a good thing.

I've seen other managers advocate OD on PFs (and I'd add passing to that too) and downplay the importance of inside skills on SFs. As time goes by we get a better grip on how the ME goes about processing shots and shot selection, and it continually shows me how well the BBs coded it. For example, in my last game my opponent had a really poor defensive SF and my SFs went to town on him.

So yes, there are a lot of things about the game that the BBs are choosing not to share with us and yes, all skills are useful on all players, for both the reasons you suggest. Better to have it and not need it...

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22017.5 in reply to 22017.4
Date: 04/01/2008 09:03:43
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I mainly agree with you, all skills are important for all players, but sometimes some skills are not good depending on your tactic.
For example if you play look-inside, and your SG has good jump shot skill, he will use it to shot from outside regardless of your tactic, and you will be praying to have him fouled out as soon as possible.+

On the other hand, for me it is clear that the skills should determine the rates, but the rates have a partial influence on the match, so there must be other factors (not talking only about random factor).

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
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22017.6 in reply to 22017.5
Date: 04/01/2008 11:15:53
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If he has good jump shot, shoots jump shots, and makes them, why wouldn't you want that? Tactics=focus, not one dimensional obsession, and points are points regardless. Although I do think big men and lesser shooters shoot too many 3s. Everyone shoots a 3 sometimes, but IRL some big men shoot less than 10 their whole career.

Last edited by SaibotOfChilastra at 04/01/2008 11:17:45

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22017.7 in reply to 22017.6
Date: 04/01/2008 12:19:29
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The idea is that:

- you play look-inside (so I understand than you have good reasons for that, such as very strong centers),
- your SG still shoots jump shots (thanks for the correction),

but even being a good shooter he will not score as usual because when you play look-inside you will get more and better oportunities inside (see Rules), and you will get less and worse outside.

Of course, if he is making a lot of points in these conditions, then I'd want this "problem" for my team... ;-)

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
From: Shoei

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22017.8 in reply to 22017.7
Date: 04/01/2008 23:49:12
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the point of your offense is to understand what your team strenghts are, if your guards is better than your forwards or centers then you play a guard oriented offense.

likewise if you have a pretty bloody shooter but opt to play inside tendency he will still shoot the ball but on a offense rotated play meaning

1. if his open
2. trying to create to help clear the defensive clog you have inside. but it will still be mainly inside guys who plays most on this out.

remember at the course of the game, your coach adjusts but wont differ much to the type of offense you declare, so expect your SG to score or run the ball but if you ran the % of touches your forwards or centers get it it more.