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Irrational decisions – game engine failed to be even close of "real” game development

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From: beks_ns
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Date: 07/26/2009 04:47:32
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Here is the situation – 8 seconds till the end of the game, I am 3 points behind, time-out my team, my ball. Game started, after 2 seconds, Center fires 3 point shoot, misses, ball for my opponent, foul + I lose the game. It is very very very opposite of anything that would happen in "real" game – 1. Center that almost never fires 3 point shot, took the “Holy Mary shot”. 2. Only after 2 seconds that shot was made, leaving 6 seconds for my opponent 3. They had a time-out before the action 4. that Center had the worst long-distance shot skill than all other players at the field – he is a good player, but the last man among those 5 that you would ever consider for 3 point assignment.


Now, I am not saying that better choice of shooter would made my team to go to OT 100%, all I am saying is this – on 8 seconds left and after the time-out – the team would try to use almost all of that time and the shot would be taken by a player that has good long-distance shot – the "real" game would never-ever end up like (13309412) did

From: Kukoc

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102754.2 in reply to 102754.1
Date: 07/26/2009 05:19:50
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Do you ever consider the fact that perhaps the go-to guy had 2 defenders on and there was no way of getting the ball to him. The C was wide open and took the shot. Yes it was a bad choise but these do happen sometimes.

Take a look at this, BBL playoffs, extra time, go to time 10:15 and start watching

From: beks_ns

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102754.3 in reply to 102754.2
Date: 07/26/2009 05:27:24
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Thanks for the answer - yes – I presume that after only two seconds, that Center was the only one available – but they had 6 more to spend – at the game that you presented(bro that was some game !), there where only 2 seconds left – my guys had 8 :)

From: Kukoc

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102754.4 in reply to 102754.3
Date: 07/26/2009 05:41:59
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What is his experience, perhaps he has bad passing aswell. So when he got the ball he thought I shoot it as I am wide open if I miss we could still get the rebound (with 6 seconds to spare) and get another shot off from perhaps a 3point shooter. Sometimes it's better to shoot than stand there for 3 seconds looking to pass with no clear options.
I am not worried how the game performs in the last seconds. Because you should win the game before it comes to that. If you are behind 3 points with 6 seconds to play, you usually lose anyway. If i get it to extra time I look at it as a miracle.

From: kaprons

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102754.5 in reply to 102754.2
Date: 07/26/2009 06:11:58
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can you imagine Andris Biedrins shooting last seconds jump shot or even 3pt shot? hell no. this last second shot thing needs to be changed. maybe add some options when set lineup, like go to player and his backup. because how this is playing now is really unrealistic. there are very few teams with really good jumpshooting and 3pt shooting C and PF in real world. and 8 sec is a lot of time - there is no way that C could not get pass to another a lot better shooter in these 8 sec.

Last edited by kaprons at 07/26/2009 06:12:52

From: Kukoc

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102754.6 in reply to 102754.5
Date: 07/26/2009 06:47:37
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In modern day basketball most PF's, C's are capable of shooting 3 point shots. Some of them are even great at shooting those. You do not seem to understand that -> it's better to shoot than just stand there and not shoot. I will take Biedrins shooting an open 3 any time, rather than not shooting at all or desperation shot with 2 defenders on you who know you must shoot (not even near the 3 point line).
If you create an end game go to guy then there is also an option of double-teaming that guy or denieing the ball to him nomatter what. Option to foul rather then give up 3 pointer etc.
Try to get you're team to a point where you are not trailing in the last minute of the 4-th quarter. Usually with close games, the one leading will win. Seldom I have seen those miraculas comebacks or winning 3-s in the end. There are not enough games decided by that last minute.

From: beks_ns

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102754.7 in reply to 102754.6
Date: 07/26/2009 09:25:16
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Mate, this post is not about scoring 3 point shot at the last second– its about development of the last attack

From: kaprons

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102754.8 in reply to 102754.6
Date: 07/26/2009 09:27:30
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why i have not seen those great shooters? Dirk, Gasol, Odom are the only ones i can think of making 3pt right now. and you even watch basketball? if g2guy is double teamed (lets take Warriors in example) 8 sec is a awful lot of time to get ball to Ellis (g2guy) or Jackson or anyone else instead of Biedrins and then they make the shot. or at least try drive to basket not make stupid 3pt shot. it is like shoot from halfcourt and pray to go in.
and you dont need to deliver ball to g2guy with 1 pass. you look at this like there are only black and white and no gray area there, looks like you think that g2guy is double teamed then he wont even get the ball and shot must be taken by open player even he can not make normal jumpshot.

From: Kukoc

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102754.9 in reply to 102754.7
Date: 07/26/2009 09:59:05
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How many tight games have you watched in BB? 100-200-1000??? You can not judge it considering just one bad shot. Usually the C's do not take that last shot. Once again I would let my average JS C to shoot against inept OD C.

From: Kukoc

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102754.11 in reply to 102754.8
Date: 07/26/2009 10:57:42
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What year are you living in? A lot of PF's, C's can shoot the 3 anywhere in europe. Yourself coming from lithuania should know it better than anyone. Yes there are old fashioned C's still in the game (like Howard, Shaq) etc.
Perhaps it easyer to play those onesided C's in NBA as it's more physical and more one on one type of basketball.
I give you some examples from NBA.
LA - Walton, Odom (Gasol has an awful shooting motion); Utah - Okur, Kirilenko; Portland - Aldridge, Outlaw; Houston - Ming could actually shoot when he came to NBA but his shot selection has changed until then; SAS - M.Bonner, Duncan can prolly hit behind the arc aswell; Dallas - Dirk; Den - Kleiza!!!, Martin, Nene and Andersen can hit aswell; Hornets - Peja, West; Cavs - Ilgauskas!!! (I know it's hard to know guys who refuse to help the national team); Detroit - Wallace, Prince; Atl - Smith; Miami - Beasley, Blount; Orl - Prolly the whole team can hit the 3 (except Howard:D:D:D); Philly - Marshall; Bos - Scalabrine (Garnett can actually hit from 3 aswell), Bulls - Miller, Thomas.
The list goes on and on. Basically every team has one or 2 big men who can hit from downtown. Even more so in Europe. Basically if you looked at the olympics basketball, can you say that Anthony, Lebron, Wade and Kobe can not play the PF position? Hell even Kidd could play PF.